TrustCor Systems was a #rootcertificate authority, a key position in #internet infrastructure. But details about the company raised questions about where it is based and who it works with. #datasecurity #dataprivacy #internet #browser
#rootcertificate #internet #datasecurity #dataprivacy #browser
Det här med Internets rotcertifikat är inte alltid helt lätt att sätta sig in i, ändå spelar de en viktig roll för säkerhet på Internet ... 🧐 🤔 🔐
#cybersec #cybersecurity #rootcertificate #encryption #ssl #tls #certificateauthority #ca #itsakerhet #trustcor
#trustcor #itsakerhet #ca #CertificateAuthority #tls #ssl #encryption #rootcertificate #cybersecurity #cybersec
It's Let's <del>Encrypt</del><ins>Lockout</ins> day.
#LetsEncrypt #RootCertificate #expired
#expired #rootcertificate #letsencrypt
Today's @nextcloud update is a good opportunity to discover whether your hosting provider lets you been hit by the Let's Encrypt root certificate expiry ... that expired right today.
#expired #rootcertificate #letsencrypt #nextcloud