sparseMatrix · @sparseMatrix
30 followers · 708 posts · Server

I've just ground up a couple of cups of dried turkeytail mushroom into a coarse and variable grind, somewhere sort of something like a fine coffee grind.

Which is good, that's how I'm using it, steeped into a mushroom tea. Or is it a broth.

It's good, is what it is, and good for the lower GI tract, which, given how I acted when I was younger than 50, I need to think about coddling a bit as I go far beyond 50.

Given how weird the thing looks both before and after preparation, the broth is a surprisingly mild, pleasant hot drink.

Zero caff of course, not sure whether feature or bug (insert reflective Fry meme here).

#turkeytail #medicinal #fungus #rootwise

Last updated 2 years ago