Aparte de lavar la ropa a mano, lo que me relaja bastante es hacer #nudos. Y deshacerlos...
#RopeAccess #verticalero tenaz
#nudos #ropeaccess #verticalero
Who would have thought, putting a pulley on the back of a hand jammer would be the single best improvement to my workflow since the ASAP? Makes going up on your down gear so much more convenient! Such a nice opening action too.
# ClimbingTechnology #RopeAccess
Rope Access GWO and Work at Height training: https://www.rigg-access.com/OUR-TRAINING-MEANS-NOTHING-IS-IMPOSSIBLE/1332
#ropeaccess #gwotraining #ropeaccesstraining #gwo
Last minute Rope Access training: https://www.rigg-access.com/Last-minute-IRATA-Rope-Access-course-places-available/1331
#ropeaccess #ropeaccesstraining