The Zulus were the Na’vi
It's #Zulu Weekend, so watching #ZuluDawn in tribute to #Isandlwana, tomorrow, then #Zulu on Sunday for #RorkesDrift. There will be beer & a rum ration...
#zulu #zuludawn #isandlwana #rorkesdrift
Actually shedding tears as l read about the recovery of the colours of the 1st/24th. Heart rendering stuff! #RorkesDrift #Zulu
'Mr Sunak sir, be quiet now will you, there's a good gentleman. You'll upset the lads.' #GTTO #RishiSunak
#RorkesDrift #Zulu #NigelGreen
Tees from Sillytees
#gtto #rishisunak #rorkesdrift #zulu #nigelgreen
The Flag.
Nuff said.