Gizmodo: James Cameron Says Alita Is Getting More Movies #draftalitabattleangel2 #entertainmentculture #alitabattleangel #battleangelalita #robertrodriguez #the20thcentury #20thcenturyfox #yukitokishiro #humaninterest #jamescameron #battleangel #rosasalazar #jonlandau #disney #forbes #alita #angel #alien
#draftalitabattleangel2 #entertainmentculture #alitabattleangel #battleangelalita #robertrodriguez #the20thcentury #20thcenturyfox #yukitokishiro #humaninterest #jamescameron #battleangel #rosasalazar #jonlandau #disney #forbes #alita #angel #alien
Con esta nueva generación de #series y #películas sobre trastornos emocionales #undone en #PrimeVideo es una de las mejores series de este género hasta el momento, de #RaphaelBobWaksberg y #KatePurdy , dirigida por #hiskohulsing con #RosaSalazar #AngeliqueCabral #ConstanceMarie y #BobOdenkirk en los papeles principales.
#series #peliculas #undone #primevideo #raphaelbobwaksberg #katepurdy #hiskohulsing #rosasalazar #angeliquecabral #constancemarie #bobodenkirk
I only realized today that #WeddingSeason is on #DisneyPlus in Germany now. I'd basically watch anything with #RosaSalazar, but when the pilot ended with #Alvvays, the deal was definitely sealed.
Was there any publicity for the show? I don't remember having seen anything.
#weddingseason #disneyplus #rosasalazar #alvvays