Pleased to see that the rose trellises have filled out nicely since last I stopped by this park. Also neat to see there are tours of the fleurs 🌹
And also neat to be able to see through my windshield for a change (though the pine resin is still resistant) 😖
#WindshieldPhotography #roses #RoseGarden #DriveByPhotography #spoonie #QueerSpoonie
#windshieldphotography #roses #rosegarden #drivebyphotography #spoonie #queerspoonie
The Rose garden in #Helsinki's #talvipuutarha (winter garden); with a statue "Kullervo puhuu miekalleen" which means #Kullervo speaks to the sword; and Jean Sibeliuksen Tammi - an oak tree planted in 1941 to commemorate the composer's life
#helsinki #talvipuutarha #kullervo #rosegarden #roses #statue #sibelius
@jannem Yeah, I've been trying to figure out the same thing, although for my desktop Linux machine instead of a RPi (presumably) Linux system.
I won't say that I've found the definitive answer, as all the answers I've found still seem complicated to me as a Linux lover who hasn't done much with the Linux sound / music stack.
That said, the simple*EST* option I've found so far seems to be #LMMS. It's still more complex than I'd like, but much less so than #Ardour #Rosegarden etc.
This amazing rose garden is at the Ninomiya family's estate in Seiro village, Niigata in Japan. It is only opened to the public once a year for just four weeks. I was lucky to go there on such a lovely sunny day. The property is sprawling and contains numerous old Japanese buildings including a row of immaculate kura (Japanese storehouses).
#virtualtour #YouTube #niigata #rosegarden #walking #Japan
I was walking through the Rose Garden this afternoon when the Noise app on my Apple Watch triggered a loud environment warning; only I didn't hear anything. Until that is, I listened very carefully and could make out a steady high-pitched whine at the very edge of my hearing. I wonder what frequency the Noise app maxes out at.
#Philadelphia #RoseGarden #AppleWatch #NoiseApp #Hearing #LoudEnvironmentAlert
#philadelphia #rosegarden #applewatch #noiseapp #hearing #loudenvironmentalert
I was walking through the Garden Garden this afternoon when the Noise app on my Apple Watch triggered a loud environment warning; only I didn't hear anything. Until that is, I listened very carefully and could make out a steady high-pitched whine at the very edge of my hearing. I wonder what frequency the Noise app maxes out at.
#Philadelphia #RoseGarden #AppleWatch #NoiseApp #Hearing #LoudEnvironmentAlert
#philadelphia #rosegarden #applewatch #noiseapp #hearing #loudenvironmentalert
Today’s weather: partly swampy
Temperature: 25℃ (77°F); Humidity: 75% at 6am
Another humid scorcher today? (Yesterday it was in the upper 90s)
🌹 ⛅️ 🌡
温度: 25 ℃; 湿度: 午前6時に75%
#Roses #RoseGarden
#長野県 #坂城町
#坂城町 #長野県 #rosegarden #roses #nagano #japan
Oh cool, #Rosegarden (my favourite music composing software) has just hit version 23.06.
(I remember running into it when the company I worked for at the time still had this "generative" MIDI gimmick (for mobile phone ringtones) that I needed to implement and used this to confirm results.
So, sheesh, I've been using this for over 20 years. 👴)
Rosenmonat Juni
Gruß an Aachen, Rose de Resht und eine Noisetterose. Zum Glück scheint die Blattrollwespe heuer kein Interesse zu haben 🙂
#rosen #garten #rosegarden #rosengarten
I am certainly not an expert in roses, but from a trip to the Woodland Park Rose Garden in Seattle, I was struck by how the weak, bland fragrance of the First Prize hybrid tea rose is very much mismatched with its massive size. Bigger isn't always better.
#Roses #RoseGarden #Gardening #Gardens #FlowersOfMastodon #Seattle
#Seattle #FlowersOfMastodon #gardens #Gardening #rosegarden #roses
#Rosebuds. Have a good day.
#BloomScrolling #Roses #Photo #RosesOfMastodon #Flowers #GardeningAU #Photography #FlowerPhotography #Blooms #Gardening #Garden #Australia #Canberra #RoseGarden #Nature
#rosebuds #bloomscrolling #roses #photo #rosesofmastodon #flowers #gardeningau #photography #flowerphotography #blooms #gardening #garden #australia #canberra #rosegarden #nature
Yesterday's afternoon shadows.
#Canberra #Art #Sculpture #Shadow #GardeningAU #Photo #Australia #Sunshine #BlueSky #OldParliamentHouse #Autumn #Outdoors #NationalGallery #RoseGarden #Photography
#canberra #art #sculpture #shadow #gardeningau #photo #australia #sunshine #bluesky #oldparliamenthouse #autumn #outdoors #nationalgallery #rosegarden #photography
A new rose for the White House Rose Garden, compliments of First Lady Jill Biden ~
<For César E. Chávez, faith and love were at the root of his actions to improve the lives of farmworkers.
Today, with the help of his granddaughter Julie Chávez Rodriguez, the César Chávez Rose will bloom in the White House Rose Garden, serving as a reminder of his legacy.>
#CesarChavezDay #Biden #WhiteHouse #RoseGarden #Garden #Gardening #News
#cesarchavezday #biden #whitehouse #rosegarden #garden #gardening #news
President Biden, walking to work this week ~
And check out this glorious magnolia tree, in full bloom at the White House Rose Garden ~
#PresidentBiden #Magnolia #RoseGarden #WhiteHouse
#presidentbiden #magnolia #rosegarden #whitehouse
I mean, who wouldn't want to live in this city?
#flamenco #WaikatoRiver #RoseGarden #HamiltonArtsFestival #Kirikiriroa #gorgeous
#flamenco #waikatoriver #rosegarden #hamiltonartsfestival #kirikiriroa #gorgeous
Extraordinary garden, a frequent walk when I lived in the #Portland West Hills, out the front door, across the street into Forest Park, via Pittock Mansion through the Arboretum to the Rose Garden. This maple is iconic of the #JapaneseGarden, right above the #RoseGarden.
#portland #japanesegarden #rosegarden
Hi @unfa What's your view on Rosegarden for MIDI/audio? I used it a few years ago for MIDI before Ardour enabled it and found it OK for MIDI but not great for audio. There was a new release late last year, I believe. #Rosegarden
I love ALL of the roses in my garden, but 'Madame Isaac Pereire' is my favorite; I am always delighted by her dazzling blooms and delicious fragrance.
#RoseWednesday #Rose #Roses #BourbonRoses #OldRoses #RoseGarden #PerennialFlowers #Flowers #FlowerPhotography #Gardening #OrganicGardening #GardeningMastodon #GardenersOfMastodon #GlamorosiCooks
#rosewednesday #rose #roses #bourbonroses #oldroses #rosegarden #perennialflowers #flowers #flowerphotography #gardening #organicgardening #gardeningmastodon #gardenersofmastodon #glamorosicooks
These roses remind me of taffy or hard candies.
International Rose Test Garden, Portland, OR
July 1, 2017
#pdx #portland #rosegarden #roses #rose