@dansolomon And in the end, the only reason anyone will keep visiting Twitter is because there’s a stuck-in-their-ways author still posting there and everyone really just wants them to announce the next book in their long-unfinished magnum opus fantasy series.
I’m talking about #RosemaryKirstein and The #Steerswoman series. Who did you think I meant?
#rosemarykirstein #steerswoman
- Nine Princes in #Amber by #RogerZelazny
- The #Steerswoman by #RosemaryKirstein
- Trout Fishing in America by Richard #Brautigan
- #Xenogenesis by #OctaviaButler
- The Age of Spiritual Machines by #RayKurzweil
- #PIHKaL by #AlexanderShulgin
- #FeminismIsForEverybody by #bellhooks
The frame of “books to know me” was interesting. Haven’t consciously thought about some of these books in years, but I guess it’s not meant to be seven books taking up the most space in my head.
#7bookstoknowme #amber #RogerZelazny #steerswoman #rosemarykirstein #brautigan #xenogenesis #octaviabutler #raykurzweil #pihkal #alexandershulgin #FeminismIsForEverybody #bellhooks