On Dec 7 the full set of OSIRIS images (56 TB!) was again delivered to ESA's Planetary Science Archive. No new images but substantially improved scientific calibration and new derived products. The Rosetta OSIRIS scientific imaging system's legacy of its voyage to comet #67P onboard the ESA Rosetta mission.
It will now be ingested into the public archive for everyone to use. Looking forward to what you will make out of it.
OSIRIS Image Archive viewer: https://rosetta-osiris.eu/
#OTD eight years ago, the Philae lander left the Rosetta spacecraft & headed towards the surface of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko.
Some of the rationale for this astonishing European Space Agency mission with its huge technological, operational, & scientific challenges is captured in the short sci-fi film we made with Platige Image, not least in the title: “Ambition”.
Such a privilege to have been involved with such an amazing team 🙇♂️
RT @ESA_fr@twitter.com
Après des années d’un travail de détective, le second site sur lequel l’atterrisseur #Philae de #Rosetta s’est posé a été identifié sur la comète #67P, dans un lieu dont la forme rappelle un crâne. 🔎💀😮 #RosettaLegacy
Toute l'histoire 👉
#rosettalegacy #67p #rosetta #philae