Since the #DuolingoApp is barely functioning (can’t do match madness, review mistakes, see leader boards, retake old lessons and can only move forward), does anyone have a favorite language tool? #LearnLanguages #RosettaStone #Babel
My Danish is slipping away.
#duolingoapp #learnlanguages #rosettastone #babel
Last night I dreamt I was Porl King of #RosettaStone. I moved into a big old house with the band and they went exploring. Neighbours didn't believe I had a band and thought I was just pretending like Threatin. They'd gone into the wall cavities, so I couldn't prove they existed. I eventually started to doubt myself, that I had imagined them. I could hear their mocking laughter from the vents. They were now just ghosts haunting my home. #Goth #Earworm
#earwormoftheday #rosettastone #goth #earworm
@Ankou @Some_Emo_Chick
🥥 OMG, thank YOU for taking the time to tell me what the joke in this meme is.
It's actually pretty clever once one has the #RosettaStone that you were kind enough to provide me. Much love. 🥥
Discovered #yesterday in 1799 by French officer Pierre-François Bouchard during the Napoleonic campaign in Egypt, the Rosetta Stone is part of grey and pink granodiorite stela bearing priestly decree concerning Ptolemy V in three blocks of text: Hieroglyphic (14 lines), Demotic (32 lines) and Greek (54 lines).The decree has only minor differences between the three versions, making the Rosetta Stone key to deciphering the Egyptian scripts.
Jean-François Champollion was able to decipher the hieroglyphs on the Rosetta Stone (notwithstanding what Thomas Young was claiming) by first figuring out what the seven demotic signs in Coptic were (by all accounts Champollion spoke at least a dozen languages by age 16). By looking at how these signs were used in Coptic he was able to work out what they stood for. Then he began tracing these demotic signs back to hieroglyphic signs. By working out what some hieroglyphs stood for, he could make educated guesses about what the other hieroglyphs stood for.
[1] "Jean-François Champollion",
[2] "Thomas Young (scientist)",
[3] "Rosetta Stone",
#britishmuseum #rosettastone #yesterday
Here on June 15th, the day of the #rosettastone discovery, I'd like to share one of my all time favorite papers by John Baez (yes, he's the nephew of music legend Joan Baez and our fearless leader) and Mike Stay.
The Rosetta Stone is what the category theory community is all about. Many different people taking part. My part is West Central Texas and what that looks like.
Robinson, A. (2023). The Last Man Who Knew Everything. Open Book Publishers. DOI: #OpenAccess #OA #Biography #Physics #Medicine #Egyptology #RosettaStone #History #Histodon #Histodon #Book #Books #Ebook #Ebooks #Bookstodon #Science @histodon @histodons @bookstodon @science
#biography #books #physics #egyptology #history #histodon #openaccess #oa #medicine #ebook #ebooks #rosettastone #bookstodon #science #book
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Originally posted by / @physorg_com:
Archaeologists dug for evidence of the #RosettaStone's ancient Egyptian rebellion—here's what they found @ConversationEDU
Kennt jemand die App von #RosettaStone? Hat der InApp-Kauf eine Familienfreigabe?
#Egyptologist and Dean at the Arab Academy for Science, dr. Monica Hanna, is asking friends and colleagues in the #UK to sign this #petition to help repatriate the #RosettaStone and the 16 other objects taken as a spoil of war by the British. Note: only British citizens and UK residents can sign 😢
#Egyptologist #uk #petition #rosettastone
#Egyptologist and Dean at the Arab Academy for Science, dr. Monica Hanna, is asking friends and colleagues in the UK to sign this #petition to help repatriate the #RosettaStone and the 16 other objects taken as a spoil of war by the British. Note: only British citizens and UK residents can sign 😢
#Egyptologist #petition #rosettastone
Résolution 2023. #BAnQ #RosettaStone #EspañolEnEspañol #langue
#langue #espanolenespanol #rosettastone #banq
Battle site of 'Great Revolt' recorded on #RosettaStone unearthed in #Egypt | #archeology
#archeology #egypt #rosettastone
Rare evidence for a decades-long rebellion against Greek-Macedonian rule, mentioned on the Rosetta Stone, has been found at an ancient Egyptian city.
The Great Revolt happened from 207 to 184 BC when the Egyptians tried, but failed, to liberate themselves from Ptolemaic rule—the line of Greek-Macedonian kings that began after Alexander the Great conquered Egypt and ended with the famous Cleopatra VII.
#RosettaStone #egyptology #AncientHistory #archaeology
#rosettastone #egyptology #ancienthistory #archaeology
The Rosetta Stone and what it actually says with Ilona Regulski | Curator's Corner S7 Ep6 - YouTube
#history #archeology #rosettastone #britishmuseum
Just as the Tri-lingual #RosettaStone helped Historians Decipher Ancient Languages of #Egypt & the Demotic Language as the Stone was written in #Greek too, this c200 BCE Bi-lingual Edict (one part in Greek) of King Ashoka of #MauryaEmpire #India discovered at #Kandahar #Gandhara in #Afghanistan helped James Prinsep Decipher Ancient #Indian Languages also.
This stone was kept at #Kabul Museum but was destroyed by #Taliban in 1990's.
#AncientIndia #IndianHistory #History #IndianCulture #Heritage
#rosettastone #egypt #greek #MauryaEmpire #india #kandahar #Gandhara #afghanistan #indian #kabul #taliban #AncientIndia #IndianHistory #history #IndianCulture #heritage
The Rosetta Stone is one of the most famous objects in the British Museum. But what is it? What does it actually say? And did you know that since the discovery of the the Rosetta Stone in 1799, another 27 copies have been found throughout Egypt, the most recent being discovered in 2011?
Dr Ilona Regulski, Curator of Ancient Writing at the British Museum has this and so much more to tell you about the object that unlocked ancient Egypt.
This discovery, imho, in on the scale of the discovery of #rosettastone. #panini #sanscrit #linguistics #grammar
#grammar #linguistics #sanscrit #panini #rosettastone
Having a hard time finding a source for this quote from Jean-Francois Champollion; I first saw it on a History Hit documentary on the rosetta Stone. Can anybody help? Thanks!
"My almost entire life is thus spent in the midst of the dead and stirring up the old dust of history...although the living received and greeted me with all desirable grace"
#champollion #rosettastone #quotes #source
No big deal, but I just used Dall E to generate all the missing bits on the #RosettaStone. You're welcome, humanity.
The AI also decided to add a person holding the Rosetta Stone aloft, which seems very unlikely unless the person also has super strength.
#rosettastone #history #language #writing #ai #dalle