Supernovae aka Byron Miller · @supernovae
7898 followers · 2234 posts · Server

This was a fun take on what is called the Rosette Nebula as a “composite” Narrowband image taken with a quad band filter on a color camera and then processed by breaking the bands into their spectrums and processing like an HSO image. When i shared this on some astrophotography forums people got mad as if i broke the law of “you must shoot narrowband with only a mono camera” but i love it. I say break those laws :)


#astrophotography #Space #nebula #rosette

Last updated 2 years ago

Mikado Joe 🇫🇷 · @mikadojoe
62 followers · 955 posts · Server

27 septembre 1822 - Champollion déchiffre les hiéroglyphes

Le 27 septembre 1822, Jean-François , qui a fait à l'archéologie le sacrifice de sa santé et de sa jeunesse, perce le secret des . Grâce aux inscriptions trilingues de la pierre de , il devance son rival anglais Thomas Young...

#champollion #hiéroglyphes #rosette #histoire #égyptologie

Last updated 7 years ago