"We know that the aim of all human beings is to perfect ourselves; to become better people. Therefore, constantly endeavor to awaken and express the virtues of the soul that animates you. In doing so, you will contribute to your own evolution while serving the cause of humanity." Rosicrucian Manuscript
"Mysticism heightens our creativity and helps us develop the greater sense of confidence that comes from knowing how to tap into our inner wisdom to find answers to life’s challenges. Mysticism is humanity’s deepest quest for Self Knowledge." Rosicrucian Manuscript
#rosicrucian #rosicrucians #rosicrucianism
#rosicrucian #rosicrucians #rosicrucianism
"As mystics throughout time have found, the road to discovery, to peace and enlightenment is a journey into Self. There is more to our conscious being than we realize and it is from within that we find the keys that unlock our inner wisdom. It is from within that we can connect with the source of knowledge that lies beyond the limits of our five senses." Rosicrucian Manuscript
#rosicrucian #rosicrucianism #rosicrucians
#rosicrucianism #rosicrucians #rosicrucian
"Mysticism teaches cosmic laws and principles by which we are brought into closer consciousness of our divine power. The mystical experience of union with the One imposes upon the mystic a moral obligation — to use this knowledge for the welfare of others." Rosicrucian Manuscript
“In practical living Illumination follows both Intuition and Idealism. Our intuition helps us to form a series of steps to climb. Each step in turn is an ideal; each ideal is more advanced, and more satisfying to our highest psychic self. An ideal may start with health, with personal well-being. Then it may advance to a consideration of the welfare of others, the service of society and then gradually broaden with greater understanding. The idealism prepares the consciousness for Illumination.” Ralph M. Lewis
"Mysticism teaches cosmic laws and principles by which we are brought into closer consciousness of our divine power. The mystical experience of union with the One imposes upon the mystic a moral obligation — to use this knowledge for the welfare of others." Rosicrucian Manuscript
#rosicrucianism #rosicrucian
"Mysticism teaches cosmic laws and principles by which we are brought into closer consciousness of our divine power. The mystical experience of union with the One imposes upon the mystic a moral obligation — to use this knowledge for the welfare of others." Rosicrucian Manuscript
#rosicrucians #rosicrucian #rosicrucianism
"There is nothing so inspiring, so filled with peace, happiness, perfect health, joy, and contentment as the development of the spiritual nature." H. Spencer Lewis
The #Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception Or #Mythic #Christianity By Max Heindel : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive https://archive.org/details/the-rosicrucian-cosmo-conception-or-mythic-christianity-by-max-heindel
I wonder why this would be in the "deemphasized" collection. I'm sure it's not reflective of a centralized, coordinated effort to subvert the #Way, #Truth, & #Life, the #Christ, because that's not a recurring theme throughout #history...
"Does my haughtiness offend you? Don't you take it awful hard?...I #RISE..." #mayaangelou
#rosicrucian #mythic #christianity #way #truth #life #christ #history #rise #mayaangelou
#Creed or #Christ by Max Heindel
#Catholic #Christian #Mystic #Rosicrucian #Religion #Faith #Humanism #Philosophy #Perrenial #Wisdom #Truth #Way #Life #Pluralism #coexist
#creed #christ #catholic #christian #mystic #rosicrucian #religion #faith #humanism #philosophy #perrenial #wisdom #truth #way #life #pluralism #coexist
"As long as we continue to ignore our divine side and the Divine Wisdom and highly specialized faculties and abilities we have, as long as we refuse to use them or exercise them, we will remain in all of our mental and worldly affairs, nothing more than creatures of the animal kingdom. Religions say we should put our faith in God, but as Rosicrucians, we say that we should put our faith in the Divine Consciousness, the Divine Wisdom and the Divine Powers that we all possess and which reside within each of us and remain more or less undeveloped in all human beings." H. Spencer Lewis
Skeptoid #164: What's Up with the Rosicrucians? by Brian Dunning #rosicrucian #thesecret #davincicode #knightstemplar #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot Believed by many to be an ancient mystical order, but really just a mail-order New Age literature business.
#rosicrucian #thesecret #davincicode #knightstemplar #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
"There is a considerable difference between concentrating upon a dream or hope, and concentrating upon building that dream into realization." H. Spencer Lewis
"It is for ourselves that we forge a personal philosophy of life. It is within that we come to see, little by little, what must be changed within our own being. We must be aware of what is possible and what is not. We cannot change anyone else's character, nor should we try to do so. Each person changes when a need for change is apparent to our own mind. When old ways don't work anymore, something different must be tried, however reluctantly. A person begins to think more autonomously when the whims of society no longer bring pleasure. Everyone will reach this point at some time - in some incarnation."
Rosicrucian Manuscript
"It does not matter what you believe; it is the actions you take based on those beliefs that matters."
H. Spencer Lewis
"Once we come to know that by the concentration of the mind on one point, on one principle, on one desire, a power is radiated to that point with creative nature and demonstrative abilities, we will think more carefully, more constructively and more efficiently." H. Spencer Lewis
#rosicrucian #rosicrucians #rosicrucianism
#rosicrucians #rosicrucian #rosicrucianism
"The first step is to control and order our thinking. Too many of our failures yesterday were self-created by our own negative thinking. Sooner or later we are going to have to realize and accept that fact. The unhappy consequences of our own negative thinking are going to be presented in our lives repeatedly until finally we realize that we are punishing ourselves. Then we will begin to think positively always and our lives will begin to change. This is nature's way of teaching. It is simply a matter of will to control our thinking. It is just as easy to think that we shall succeed as to think that we shall fail. It is no more difficult to think that we will feel better than to think that we shall decline and feel worse. We need simply to decide whether to expect happiness and good things today, or unhappiness and disappointing experiences. Remember, we create, whether we like it or not!" Rosicrucian Manuscript
#rosicrucian #rosicrucians #rosicrucianism
"It is for ourselves that we forge a personal philosophy of life. It is within that we come to see, little by little, what must be changed within our own being. We must be aware of what is possible and what is not. We cannot change anyone else's character, nor should we try to do so. Each person changes when a need for change is apparent to our own mind. When old ways don't work anymore, something different must be tried, however reluctantly. A person begins to think more autonomously when the whims of society no longer bring pleasure. Everyone will reach this point at some time - in some incarnation." Rosicrucian Manuscript
"It does not matter what you believe; it is the actions you take based on those beliefs that matters."
H. Spencer Lewis
#rosicrucianism #rosicrucian
"The first step is to control and order our thinking. Too many of our failures yesterday were self-created by our own negative thinking. Sooner or later we are going to have to realize and accept that fact. The unhappy consequences of our own negative thinking are going to be presented in our lives repeatedly until finally we realize that we are punishing ourselves. Then we will begin to think positively always and our lives will begin to change. This is nature's way of teaching. It is simply a matter of will to control our thinking. It is just as easy to think that we shall succeed as to think that we shall fail. It is no more difficult to think that we will feel better than to think that we shall decline and feel worse. We need simply to decide whether to expect happiness and good things today, or unhappiness and disappointing experiences. Remember, we create, whether we like it or not!" Rosicrucian Manuscript
#rosicrucian #rosicrucianism #AMORC