#NowPlaying However this album is pronounced. Cambodian lounge music from the 60s. I have two CDs of similar music from Thailand that I bought on a holiday there about 12 years ago. #SinnSisamouth #RosSereysothea
#rossereysothea #sinnsisamouth #nowplaying
#RosSereySothea #រស់សេរីសុទ្ធារស់សិរីសុទ្ធា #ChamOun16 Probably the most famous song from the 1960s/70s #CambodianRock music scene. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vz5GIOkO4GA
#rossereysothea #រសសេរីសុទធារសសិរីសុទធា #chamoun16 #cambodianrock
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i8RQA5XlS0E&t=10s probably late 1960s or early 1970s. Ros Sereysothe was one of the stars of Cambodian rock and pop music at the time. She died, probably in 1977/79, one of the Khmer Rouge's many victims. likely that other musicians where killed as well. Many recordings from this time only survived on old tapes/vinyl records, bad sound quality has to accepted. I love the hammond organ here typical of the time. A favorite of #RosSereysothea. #Music from #Cambodia worth to be rediscovered.
#rossereysothea #music #cambodia