Thomas Dorr · @thomas
16 followers · 209 posts · Server

Heard an epic vintage story today: At the time we sent a lot of from Czechia to Britian and the country code was 044, and one day no faxes were going through. This was in the days of pulse dialing still, it was a very frustrating day, I went home. One of the other employees called the phone company. The phone company explained the number four wasn't working that day, it would be fixed soon.

#telecom #faxes #analog #pulsedial #dialing #rotary #rotarydial

Last updated 1 year ago

@cvvhrn I love it! Here is our wall phone in our kitchen. It's rotary, but it's on a VOIP line and IT WORKS!!!

#phone #telephone #retro70s #rotarydial #clackclackclack

Last updated 1 year ago

Grinning Cat · @grinningcat
131 followers · 817 posts · Server

[On someone wanting a sound effect or screen on their ]

Justine Haupt actually built a with a physical rotary dial! It’s an open-source design. She sold a kit with most of the parts, and is taking preorders for a new, improved version (with physical bell!).


#rotarydial #smartphone #cellphone #oldtwitterposts

Last updated 2 years ago

Alexander Shendi · @alexshendi
113 followers · 879 posts · Server
Jim Donegan βœ… · @jimdonegan
955 followers · 1921 posts · Server