quad-rotary board is getting ready to stock 🔁🎛️💻🔄🔌
this seesaw board converts 4 rotary encoders to I2C for adding a ton of twists. like our other attiny8xx boards, we use a metro m0 to do the programming of the UPDI interface, then communicate over I2C to check each pin is not shorted or open. this will be in the shop soon so don't get your knickers in a twist! https://www.adafruit.com/product/5752
#QuadRotaryBoard #I2C #RotaryEncoders #ATtiny8xx #MetroM0 #UPDI #Adafruit
#quadrotaryboard #i2c #rotaryencoders #attiny8xx #metrom0 #UPDI #adafruit
ITES China #rotaryencoders #opticalencoders#MPG#handwheel#CNCmachinetool encoder
#rotaryencoders #opticalencoders