Jungle Clearance
Due to the weather being quite rubbish I didn't get over to the allotment much in the past month. And it seems things are now starting to grow! A lot!
#blog #allotment #gardening #Digging #Onions #Potatoes #Rotavator #Trees #Weeding
#blog #allotment #Gardening #Digging #Onions #Potatoes #rotavator #trees #weeding
Aujourd'hui mon voisin est venu affiner la #terre avant les #pluies annoncées pour ce weekend.
Il est passé au #rotavator puis j'ai couvert avec des #bâches* juste derrière pour éviter que tout ne se retasse dans la foulée.
* C'est des vieilles bâches d'#ensilage que j'ai récupéré au centre de tri #agricole.
#agriculture #bio #sol #JdF
#terre #pluies #rotavator #baches #ensilage #agricole #agriculture #bio #sol #jdf
Planting Fruit Bushes
Poundland sells cheap fruit bushes, and if you pick the ones with leaves on, they tend to grow fairly well and make a nice hedge type thing. If you pick the ones with no leaves on... they're dead, you're buying a dead plant... They're also not a pound each, but never mind.
#blog #allotment #gardening #Digging #FruitBushes #Rhubarb #Rotavator
#blog #allotment #Gardening #Digging #FruitBushes #Rhubarb #rotavator
Preparing for Spring
It's been pretty windy here again, so I went to the plot to see if the shed had tried to escape again...
#blog #allotment #Gardening #Digging #rotavator #shed #wind
I've been trying out my new battery powered #rotavator on my #allotment. It's saved me many hours of tedious digging.
Anyone got a nice lawn they want destroying?