First group of KB sixth graders part of MAST’s 2023 Graduation :
The group --several dozen -- were the pioneers of a controversial 2012 deal that modernized MAST while adding seats for Key Biscayne students.
#CadianCollmanPerez #CamilaAcquarone #FourAgreements #FrankCaplan #InsideOut #MariTereRojas #MASTAcademy #MichaelGould #RaquelRegalado #ROTC
#cadiancollmanperez #camilaacquarone #fouragreements #frankcaplan #insideout #maritererojas #mastacademy #michaelgould #raquelregalado #rotc
Memorial Day in Key Biscayne: “share their stories” :
“Their memory is elevated by the living,” said State Rep. Vicki Lopez. “To truly honor their lives, we must share their stories.”
#BiillBaggsCapeFlorida #CrandonPark #JoeBiden #ROTC #StatePark #USCoastGuard #Veteran #VickiLopez
#biillbaggscapeflorida #crandonpark #JoeBiden #rotc #statepark #uscoastguard #veteran #vickilopez
RT @Antiwarcom
Is the Army All That You Can Be?
Recruiting Children
by Nan Levinson
@nanlev @TomDispatch #war #recruitment #ROTC
Got to photograph some ROTC students recently and it was a pretty fun time.
#photography #photojournalism #rotc
Lesson on how not to do a survey 😒
Dai-Lanh Phan is a senior at Daytona State studying Business Supervision and Management. He also is a Cadet Captain in the Army ROTC program as a Recruiting Officer.
He chose to attend DSC and participate in ROTC due to the financial benefits ROTC offers and because he aspires to become an Officer in the U.S. Army while completing his bachelor's degree.
For more information on Daytona State’s Army ROTC program, visit .
On this day, Mark Chua’s body was found in Pasig River. He exposed the atroticities done in the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) in his university. This led to the passage of the law disallowing mandatory ROTC.
A few years later, people seem to be forgetting his sacrifice and govt officials are now pushing again for ROTC. #Philippines #ROTC
Junior #ROTC Shouldn't Exist
@Josordoni in my country, a government official claims that mandatory #ROTC can cure mental health issues of the youth. Go figure! #idiotsingovernment
"Mental health problems can be “cured” through the training provided under the Reserve Officers’ Training Corps (ROTC) program, Defense Secretary Carlito Galvez Jr. said Monday.
Comparing it with the National Service Training Program, Galvez said the ROTC program is experience-based and can help improve the 'frustration tolerance' of students."
#MentalHealth #ROTC #Philippines
#philippines #rotc #mentalhealth
#JROTC and many school districts that work with them are breaking the law, forcing students of color to enroll in #MilitaryRecruiting training to be able to graduate.
And... predictably it is #BIPOC students who are the most likely victims of this illegal forced indoctrination.
#jrotc #militaryrecruiting #bipoc #antiwar #usmilitary #rotc
Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) quote tweets a New York Times article titled "Thousands of Teens Are Being Pushed Into Military’s Junior R.O.T.C.":
I was honored to serve on active duty in the US military. But forcing students to take military classes is wrong and anti-American. We are not an authoritarian country like Russia.
Any high school that automatically enrolls students in JROTC must rescind that policy immediately.
#JROTC #ROTC #Teens #Military
I'm guessing the #ACLU could get the mandatory part of that shut down. #ROTC #HighSchool #required. A colleague once stopped a local contract between a for profit alcohol treatment facility and the local police where every drunk and disorderly, public intoxication or DUI suspect was carted off to the facility. In that case it took months with a dismissal by the district court and reinstatement on appeal. #LegalProcess
#legalprocess #required #highschool #rotc #aclu
Fast forward to the Christmas Season 2022. A New York Times editorial, “America’s Toxic Gun Culture Is Invading our Politics” (Dec. 11, 2022), reminds us: “Americans are going to live with a lot of guns for a long time. There are already more than 415 million guns in circulation, including 25 million semiautomatic military-style rifles.” (cont-)
#ROTC #Christian #NewYorkTimes #ChristianNationalism #PrinceOfPeace #Guns #GunControl
#rotc #christian #newyorktimes #christiannationalism #princeofpeace #guns #guncontrol
Even back then, long before I had been exposed to feminist social analysis, I instinctively knew how disgusting and destructive such a militarized, masculine worldview could be. Was that because I had been exposed, from my mother’s knee, to the Gospel of the Prince of Peace? I would like to think so. (cont-)
#ROTC #Christian #NewYorkTimes #ChristianNationalism #PrinceOfPeace
#rotc #christian #newyorktimes #christiannationalism #princeofpeace
In the fall of 1953, I spent an inglorious semester in ROTC. One of the first things I learned was the “correct” terminology for the (fake) rifle that I was given for early morning drills, with chilling reference to the male anatomy: “This is my piece. This is my gun. This is for war. This is for fun.” (cont-)
#ROTC #Christian The New York Times #ChristianNationalism #PrinceOfPeace
#rotc #christian #christiannationalism #princeofpeace I doubt you would ever see this in white suburban high schools, which have professionally staffed libraries, art, music, sports, physical education, and other enrichment rather than mandatory #ROTC. #rotc
High schools push military
Junior R.O.T.C.
#military #indoctrination #rotc #haiku #poetry
#military #indoctrination #rotc #haiku #poetry