@ccferrie It's frustrating that the route is _mostly_ just wonderful. I have footage sitting around and want to make a #rotharroads video but also need to build a shower and do my job....
@ccferrie My daughter is begging me to take her to school in the bike trailer. It's 13km. And it's _mostly_ #rotharroads!!! But there's a stretch on R420 I will not do with her.
A quick cycle before work today along some local #RotharRoads around #kinvara.
RT @josachseldridge@twitter.com
You can almost taste the boggy #RotharRoads in this beautifully written piece.
Thanks for the share @neasabh@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/josachseldridge/status/1598291111277400067