Ethical veganism posits that it is wrong to use and exploit animals for human benefit because animals have rights.
Animals do not have rights because they lack the capacity for rational thought and action.
Therefore, ethical veganism is ethically wrong.
#vegan #philosophy #ethics #veganism #rothbard
How to refute democracy with one simple question:
Does the system of democracy permit itself to be voted democratically out of existence?
YES: Democracy is self-defeating
NO: Democracy is not democratic
I revisited The Democratic Paradox in much greater detail:
#Democracy #Philosophy #Hoppe #Rothbard #Anarchy #Ethics #Logic #Debate #Paradox #Ancap #Liberty
#democracy #philosophy #hoppe #rothbard #anarchy #ethics #logic #debate #paradox #ancap #liberty
Democracy is great at splitting and pitting the oppressed among themselves to the benefit of the oppressors.
Candidates are presented as being polar opposites to each other even when they have much in common.
And as Hoppe said: "The distinction between the rulers and the ruled as well as the class consciousness of the ruled become blurred."
Here is my analysis on the polarizing effect of democracy:
#Hoppe #Rothbard #democracy #politics #elections #ethics #anarchy
#hoppe #rothbard #democracy #politics #elections #ethics #anarchy
We have all heard the old phrase "in this world, nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes"
But it doesn't have to be this way.
I have written an article debunking 10 arguments for taxation.
You can read it here:
#tax #theft #anarchy #government #state #ethics #philosophy #Rothbard #ancap
#tax #theft #anarchy #government #state #ethics #philosophy #rothbard #ancap
Odnośnie "afery" z Orlenem polecam poczytać Rothbarda… Serio.
Pamiętam, że czytałem gdzieś, jak ten guru libertarian wytykał mniej radykalnym liberałom, że cena zależy od popytu i podaży, a nie od kosztów produkcji. Wg. tego podejścia podwyżki/obniżki podatków nie mają wcale wpływu na cenę.
Inna sprawa jest taka, że podwyżka podatku nie pozwala zarabiać korporacjom tyle, co chcą, co już Rothbarda wielce zasmucało (mnie nie 🤷🏻♂️ )
Just going through The Ethics of Liberty by Murray Rothbard, pointing out fundamental problems.
#libertarian #rothbard #selfownership
Rothbardian communism:
Here’s why the world’s land must be held in common by all its people, on Rothbardian principles.
More or less all the land that’s usable now was used in antiquity. If nothing else, the world’s hunter-gatherer people covered a lot of ground. There’s no principled reason why using land for hunting and gathering shouldn’t count as homesteading it. So it all became someone’s property.
More or less all of the property was at some point illegitimately taken from its original owner. This is a safe bet because Rothbardian property rights have not been recognized by any influential group of people, ever. The first group of hunters to chase an animal through some land were displaced by other hunters in the group, or by a rival group of hunter-gatherers, or by some neighbors who planted crops and displaced the hunter-gatherers, or by a state. The people who claim title now are not the rightful owners of the land.
On Rothbardian principles, the land should be returned to the rightful heirs, if they are known. Well, they are known. It’s all of us. The original criminal thefts took place so long ago that basically every person living today is descended from basically every person who had their property illegitimately taken. So, all people own all the land.
Książka Bucharina, którą mamy przyjemność tłumaczyć to pozycja prawdopodobnie bardzo interesująca dla osób zainteresowanych historią rozwoju myśli ekonomicznej. W szczególności tym jakie początki miała szkoła marginalistyczna oraz tak zwana austriacka szkoła ekonomii.
Ale nie szkoła Hayeka, Rothbarda lub Misesa, o nie! Bucharin skupia się na wczesnych Austriakach (głownie Böhm–Bawerku) tych którzy faktycznie skupieni byli wobec wiedeńskiego uniwersytetu ekonomicznego.
Co do samej pracy, szczególnie interesujące dla zainteresowanych może być to jak, Bucharin definiuje klasowe środowisko, które sprzyjało powstaniu szkoły Austriackiej. Nie są to już "wielcy przemysłowcy", ale klasa rentierska. W słowach autora:
>Ta warstwa burżuazji jest wyraźnie pasożytnicza; rozwija te same cechy psychologiczne, które można znaleźć u podupadłej szlachty pod koniec ancien regime’u i u szefów arystokracji finansowej z tej samej epoki
#anarchokapitalizm #ankap #ancap #Bohm-Bawerk #Mises #Rothbard #Hayek #kapitalizm #Bucharin
#bucharin #kapitalizm #hayek #rothbard #mises #bohm #ancap #ankap #anarchokapitalizm
"The problem is that the bad guys, the ruling classes, have gathered unto themselves the intellectual and media elites, who are able to bamboozle the masses into consenting to their rule, to indoctrinate them, as the Marxists would say, with 'false consciousness'". #rothbard
Social democracy and progressivism explained by #Rothbard in a nutshell
50+ libertarian, agorist and anarchist ebooks (SEK3, Mises, Rothbard & more):
#Agorism #Anarchism #Libertarian #Bitcoin #Monero #SEK3 #Mises #Rothbard
#agorism #anarchism #libertarian #bitcoin #monero #SEK3 #mises #rothbard
Is Jack becoming AnCap???
#twitter #ancap #dorsey #rothbard #capitalism
RT @HoppeQuotes
Happy Birthday #Rothbard (March 2, 1926 - January 7, 1995)
"Thank you Murray, you are my hero, “I shall not look upon his like again,” and I hope you are happy with your student. I always felt tremendous joy when you told me “great Hans, Attaboy”
Enjoying a shot of Jameson Caskmates, IPA Edition with Murray. Been taking this read littler by little each morning. About 100 pages in and realizing what a nerd I am.
#rothbard #economics #philosophy #libertarian