#Bandcamp Kauf vom Freitag.
Sakis Tolis #RottingChrist
Piano Versionen vom letzten Solo Album.
Majestätisch. Geil.
Although I'm almost done with work for today, nothing says #FuckMondays🖕 better than #NonServiam. Never submit, comrades! ✊
#RottingChrist #metal #BlackMetal #HellenicBlackMetal #ExtremeMetal #BlackMetalMonday
Cheers to @HailsandAles🤘
#blackmetalmonday #extrememetal #hellenicblackmetal #blackmetal #metal #rottingchrist #NonServiam #fuckmondays
Mein Freund, der normal kein #RottingChrist hört, mag den Song #WhiteChrist von #Insomnium feat. #SakisTolis (Sänger von Rotting Christ) und jetzt schicke ich ihm melodische Rotting Christ Songs in der Hoffnung, dass er was davon auch mag 😄
#SakisTolis #insomnium #whitechrist #rottingchrist
@t0fur0cker Falls Du auf großartigen #BlackMetal stehst, #RottingChrist hat letztes Jahr ein geniales Doppelalbum auf Youtube frei verfügbar gemacht: #TheApocryphalSpells
#blackmetal #rottingchrist #theapocryphalspells
I #RottingChrist stanno registrando un nuovo album e (sembra) stia arrivando qualcosa di nuovo anche dai #TesseracT, bene bene bene 😍
Ohhhh #BlackMetalMonday
nice :D
here is one of my favorite songs from #RottingChrist #EltheKyrie
#elthekyrie #rottingchrist #blackmetalmonday
Holy fuck. If you want a band that sounds like Rotting Christ circa 1994 (and you should), check out Cult of Eibon.
I'm listening to their 2021 record Black Flame Dominion. After the intro track finished and the music began, I had to check to see if my player had shuffled to a Rotting Christ track.
#blackmetal #rottingchrist #cultofeibon #heavymetal #metal
When I listened to this song for the first time, I didn‘t really get why everyone was so hyped about it because for my taste it was too slow. Then I listened a second, third, fourth time - now it’s one of my favorite songs :blobcatheart:
New photo gallery up now: Rotting Christ + Carach Angren + Gaerea
#dnalounge #rottingchrist #carachangren #uada #gaerea #blackmetal #symphonicmetal #metal #livemusic #concert #sanfrancisco
#dnalounge #rottingchrist #carachangren #uada #Gaerea #blackmetal #symphonicmetal #metal #livemusic #concert #sanfrancisco
♬ ROTTING CHRIST at DNA Lounge starting now!
#dnalounge #rottingchrist #carachangren #uada #gaerea #blackmetal #symphonicmetal #metal #livemusic #concert #sanfrancisco
#dnalounge #rottingchrist #carachangren #uada #Gaerea #blackmetal #symphonicmetal #metal #livemusic #concert #sanfrancisco
♬ Coming up on Thu Feb 23, 7pm: ROTTING CHRIST
#dnalounge #rottingchrist #carachangren #uada #gaerea #blackmetal #symphonicmetal #metal #livemusic #concert #sanfrancisco
#dnalounge #rottingchrist #carachangren #uada #Gaerea #blackmetal #symphonicmetal #metal #livemusic #concert #sanfrancisco
ROTTING CHRIST Perform "Elthe Kyrie" Live In London; Pro-Shot Video
Greek metal legends, Rotting Christ, performed the Rituals album track, "Elthe Kyrie", during their set at the Cosmic Void festival on September 25, 2022. Professionally-filmed footage can be viewed below: In late 2022, Rotting Christ dropped a surprise...
#themetaldogarticlelist #bravewords #rottingchrist #elthekyrie #liveinlondon #virtuousstepstour #newalbum #proshotvideo #bravewordsnews
♬ Coming up on Thu Feb 23, 7pm: ROTTING CHRIST
#dnalounge #rottingchrist #carachangren #uada #gaerea #blackmetal #symphonicmetal #metal #livemusic #concert #sanfrancisco
#dnalounge #rottingchrist #carachangren #uada #Gaerea #blackmetal #symphonicmetal #metal #livemusic #concert #sanfrancisco
My top 9 albums of the week on Last.fm! #EveryoneOnAcid #Burial #Amn #RottingChrist #BelburyPoly #SequesteredKeep #99Letters #TheCramps #LastFM
#everyoneonacid #burial #amn #rottingchrist #belburypoly #sequesteredkeep #99letters #thecramps #lastfm
Making an effort to listen to more metal this year, so giving the newest Rotting Christ a spin (missed this one in 2019)
#RottingChrist #Metal
My #LastFm #Winamp & #Spotify top albums chart from the previous week:
#Tiamat #Lifelover #Aindulmedir #Stoneblood #Amesoeurs #Örnatorpet #Bethlehem #ForgottenTomb #Mortuus #Pestilength #Auðn #Arche #HateForest #Sinmara #Svart #Mannveira #Naðra #OldSorcery #RottingChrist #Nasheim #Elend #Gris #Hyperdontia #LiarOfGolgotha #Paraphilia
#Paraphilia #liarofgolgotha #hyperdontia #gris #Elend #nasheim #rottingchrist #oldsorcery #nadra #mannveira #svart #sinmara #hateforest #arche #audn #pestilength #mortuus #forgottentomb #bethlehem #ornatorpet #Amesoeurs #stoneblood #aindulmedir #lifelover #tiamat #spotify #winamp #lastfm
Hier beide Tracklists OHNE Werbung:
#TheApocryphalSpells I: https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_nBi8V9m3vZkYo5gWLXHslipKHIB7dJVj0
TheApocryphalSpells II: https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_kwlZT9dQL01ei3vKrVWwZCIl1u-Wnb1AU
#theapocryphalspells #rottingchrist