Definitely harder to write work proposals when you're feeling down. Trying not to accidentally put that tone into my writing, especially since I *really * want this gig! π
At least code doesn't care what kind of day you're having. That stuff will yell at you about a typo but it doesn't care if your for-loop sounds sad π
#developer #roughDay #founderlife
Havin' a rough day
Season 1 Episode 11 "Shelter Me"
#GregAlanWilliams #RandomBaywatch #lvdlpx #baywatch #shelterme #roughDay
Buongiorno mes amies! (Yes, I know a mixture of #Italian & #French, but c'est la vie;)
As a #Mastodon newbie who only used the bird site to share #news, #tech & #SocialJustice info. I found my recent desire to share #moving #photos curious. But that's exactly what I wish to do, particularly for people having a #RoughDay as a #PickMeUp (I've certainly had manyπ ).
My last post of the baby gorilla was the 1st. Stay tuned for more Monday morn. Until then, here's a joyful one from my #Pinterist.
#pinterist #pickmeup #roughDay #Photos #moving #socialjustice #Tech #News #Mastodon #french #italian