Adding insult to injury: anthropogenic noise intensifies predation risk by an invasive freshwater fish species. Congratulation to Marina for this research project.
#Science #Biology #Ecology #Conservation #Fish #Goby #RoundGoby #InvasiveSpecies #anthropization #BoatNoise #Predation #CNRS #Lehna #LEHNA_lab #UnivLyon1 #UniversiteLyon
📄 Fernandez-Declerck (2023) Biological Invasions
#science #biology #ecology #conservation #fish #goby #roundgoby #invasivespecies #anthropization #boatnoise #predation #cnrs #lehna #LEHNA_lab #univlyon1 #UniversiteLyon
Water Quality, Great Lakes, and Invasive species. This is the best book I've read in awhile. If you are interested in the invasive species issue and opening of the St Lawerence Seaway, this book is for you. A sad tale indeed.
#invasivespecies #GreatLakes #RoundGoby
#invasivespecies #greatlakes #roundgoby
These are freshwater Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) from the #MohawkRiver (NY). They are an #invasiveSpecies that has been incredibly successful in the watershed, unfortunately. I collected these from near E15 (Canajoharie) yesterday. #ErieCanal #RoundGoby
#mohawkriver #invasivespecies #eriecanal #roundgoby