#glyphosat verursacht oxidativen Stress und kann somit #krebs fördern. In Studien mit Mausen und Ratten löste es Tumore aus. Inzwischen wird es auch in Menschen nachgewiesen, weil es überall in der Landwirtschaft, aber auch in Privathaushalten z.B. als Unkrautvernichter #roundup verwendet wird/wurde.
Es vernichtet alle nicht #gentechnisch angepassten Pflanzen auf den Feldern, also die Nahrung für #insekten und #vögel
#taz #vogel #insekten #gentechnisch #roundup #krebs #glyphosat
How #Syngenta withheld a study on #glyphosate and brain damage for more than 20 years
In 2001, a researcher at pesticide manufacturer Syngenta noticed that newborn rats moved less after their mothers were given glyphosate, which is widely used in agriculture. European authorities were not shown the study until last year.
By @stevenfrolke and @lucasbrouwers
#pesticides #neonicotinoid #braindamage #EFSA_EU #EFSA_EU
#neurotoxic #roundup #nrc
#syngenta #glyphosate #pesticides #neonicotinoid #braindamage #EFSA_EU #neurotoxic #roundup #nrc
Court hears class action case alleging link between Roundup and Australians with cancer | Law (Australia) | The Guardian
Good! More lawsuits against #Monsanto
#monsanto #roundup #herbicides
Happy Friday, everyone! It’s time for my links roundup, a collection of stuff I enjoyed over the past week. Today: vintage dinosaurs, eclectic ceramics, and clocks, so many clocks 🦖🎨 🕐 🚪
#cabinetofcuriosities #friday #links #goodlinks #roundup
De EU wil glyfosaat een vergunning verlenen voor nog eens vijftien jaar – ondanks alle rampzalige gevolgen voor onze gezondheid en onze planeet. Verhef je stem en laat onze Europese politici weten dat ze glyfosaat moeten verbieden! Doe jij mee? #teamplanet #glysofaat #pesticides #roundup
#roundup #pesticides #glysofaat #teamplanet
Happy Friday, and welcome to my weekly collection of good links, a roundup stuff I enjoyed over the past week!
Today’s links include DVD extras, custom book covers and surprising octopus pals 🐙📺🎥
#cabinetofcuriosities #friday #links #goodlinks #roundup
Welcome to my Friday good links, a collection of stuff I enjoyed over the past week!
Today’s links include tall ships, free-to-use endpapers, coloring books, wooden alphabets, and more ⚓🌀🖍️
#cabinetofcuriosities #friday #links #goodlinks #roundup
« Substance active du célèbre #Roundup de #Monsanto, herbicide le plus vendu au monde, le glyphosate est un exemple frappant de la palette des stratégies et basses manœuvres des lobbies de l’#agrochimie et de l’#agroalimentaire main dans la main, au détriment de la santé humaine et de la #biodiversité. »
Réautorisation du #glyphosate : que cache le coup d’accélérateur de l’Europe ?
#roundup #monsanto #agrochimie #agroalimentaire #biodiversite #glyphosate #monsantobayer #efsa #lobbys
Well that’s awful.
“Glyphosate-based products will be sprayed in Cumberland, Annapolis, Kings and Colchester counties. … for spraying in Nova Scotia Power's utility corridor and CN's rail line.”
#nspoli #novascotia #glyphosate #roundup #pesticides #organic
#nspoli #novascotia #glyphosate #roundup #pesticides #organic
Next up we have a recap from my friend @SecureInStyle! Because more guys should think about how they present themselves, and he definitely does.
(Extra points for being secure enough to wear pink! Pink is awesome on guys too!)
Secure, In Style: Secure, in Style – Weekly Style Recap: August 7 – 11, 2023
#fashion #men #roundup #style #recap
The humane PZP fertility control program in place has successfully managed the McCullough Peaks wild horses since 2011, with 2023 seeing only a 1% growth rate.
Instead of wasting resources to #roundup and warehouse these beloved horses, and using the controversial vaccine #GonaCon on the remaining mares, the BLM should pursue the “No Action Alternative” laid out in its Environmental Assessment.
'Carnage on wheels': RPF personnel lets loose with service weapon, shoots dead ‘boss’, 3 passengers on Jaipur-Mumbai train; nabbed (Roundup) #Carnage # #RPF #‘boss’ # #JaipurMumbai #Roundup #socialnewsxyz
#socialnewsxyz #roundup #jaipurmumbai #rpf #carnage
@SandraDeHaan langs de A1 bij Deventer is nu ook een groot stuk grond met zonnepanelen. Een paar jaar geleden reed ik er ook en was hetzelfde stuk grond oranje gekleurd. Nou dan weet je het wel. #roundup ze hebben zelf de bodem al vernield.
Welcome to my Friday cabinet of curiosities, a roundup of stuff I enjoyed this week! Today’s links include the world’s last internet cafes, a secret train ride, and yes, Barbie and Oppenheimer (—but not Barbenheimer) 🖥️🚆👠
#cabinetofcuriosities #friday #links #goodlinks #roundup
Kennedy was right re #GMSoy — that's why they hate him.
"Kennedy [#RFK] described the findings:
> “He [did] something nobody else dared to do, which is to take the exact same test [on rats] that #Monsanto did for 90 days and do it for two years instead, which is the typical lifespan of a rat. And he found … 80% of the rats that consumed #Roundup developed tumors compared to 30% in the control group.
> “Not only that, but the tumors in the rats were 130% larger.”
#GMSoy #rfk #monsanto #roundup
New book about #Roundup lawsuits gives behind-the-scenes look
Dr Chadi Nabhan is the author of the new book, “Toxic Exposure: The True Story Behind the #Monsanto Trials and the Search for Justice,” published by Johns Hopkins University Press.
#Bayer #glyphosate #herbicide #carcinogen #gmo #gmCrops #biotech #bigPharma #bigAg #chemicalAg #toxic #food
#food #toxic #chemicalag #bigag #bigpharma #biotech #gmcrops #gmo #carcinogen #herbicide #glyphosate #bayer #monsanto #roundup
Strong evidence that glyphosate causes #cancer
Mapping the key characteristics of #carcinogens for #glyphosate and its formulations: A systematic review
#biotech #gmo #monsanto #roundup #glyphosate #carcinogens #cancer
And last, but not least, a roundup of fashion by my friend @SecureInStyle for the week. 😀
Secure in Style: Secure, in Style – Outfit Recap: July 17 – 21, 2023
Welcome to my Friday cabinet of curiosities, a roundup of stuff I enjoyed this week! Today’s links feature rebel birds, touchable cartography, human-sized 3D printers and more
#cabinetofcuriosities #friday #links #goodlinks #roundup
Enjoy this #POCFilmRoundup. #8ExcitingPOCDirectedProducedTVShows by #RachelBritton. #mockingowlroost #blog #nonfiction #roundup
(Pictured is a man looking at a film chart. The background is dark grey, and the lettering for the byline and title are in light grey.)
#pocfilmroundup #8excitingpocdirectedproducedtvshows #rachelbritton #mockingowlroost #blog #nonfiction #roundup