Ich versuche gerade eines der #FahrrĂ€der meiner Eltern wieder flottzumachen, was an sich schon schwierig ist, weil da fast alles fehlt, dass ich damit an sich fahren und am #GlobalClimateStrike teilnehmen kann. #AppleMaps schlĂ€gt mir diese lustige #Route vor. Mit enthalten: #BundesstraĂen und #StraĂen mit #Fahrrad-Verbot.
#fahrrader #globalclimatestrike #applemaps #route #bundesstraĂen #straĂen #fahrrad
DĂ©ployer mes ailes
Apprendre Ă voler
Tomber au sol
MĂȘme allongĂ©e
Je vois le ciel
#route #gers #avion #road #plane #poeme #ecriture #photographie #writing #poem #photography #photo
#route #gers #avion #road #plane #poeme #ecriture #photographie #writing #poem #photography #photo
When Does Impedance Matching a PCB Trace Become Unavoidable? - A common joke in electronics is that every piece of wire and PCB trace is an anten... - https://hackaday.com/2023/08/27/when-does-impedance-matching-a-pcb-trace-become-unavoidable/ #impedancematching #pcbrouting #impedance #hardware #science #route #pcb
#pcb #route #science #hardware #impedance #pcbrouting #impedancematching
#Bonjour le fediverse, les cyclos et cyclottes et les autresâŠ
Voici un fort bel article, bien Ă©crit, factuel, plein de bon sens.
Deux ou trois paragraphes m'ont interpelés, en particulier l'histoire sur le régime de priorité des pistes cyclables en Belgique. Nous devrions prendre exemple en France.
Si la flemme de lire, passé directement à la conclusion !
#bonjour #velo #route #partage
Petit anneau de Longchamp aprĂšs le taf.
#longchamp #velo #route
i still get notifications, but #route app only gets past the launch screen the first time i launch it after i reinstall it. WHAT IS HAPPENING
i used to love deliveries app, but it requires a lot of back and forth and route just plucks things out of my mail!
i am using developer builds of iOS 17 and iPadOS of the same.
La RN6 est tout de mĂȘme une #route trĂšs dĂ©gradĂ©e, c'est triste : https://lexpress.mg/17/08/2023/infrastructures-routieres-menace-de-coupure-totale-de-la-circulation-sur-la-rn6/
@jhx Having kind of a "break" now ... this morning at 5.15, my #DSL (from #1und1) broke down đ
It's still not back (#ppp trying every 30 seconds...), I now set up USB tethering with my phone on my desktop. Took me a while, although it's super simple, some "ue0" interface just pops up on #FreeBSD, BUT I had to fiddle with my routing table and accidentally killed the #route to my NFS server from where /home is mounted on first attempt đ
#dsl #1und1 #PPP #freebsd #route
C'est quoi ces mesures pour rendre les routes plus sûres ? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0WZnJH4aeaU
> Le gouvernement a annoncĂ© 38 mesures pour amĂ©liorer la sĂ©curitĂ© sur les routes en France. Certaines ont dĂ©jĂ fait parler dâelles, comme la suppression du terme "homicide involontaire". Je vais donc ici mâintĂ©resser Ă leur l'impact potentiel et voir s'il y a de vĂ©ritables actions concrĂštes ou si ce sont simplement de belles paroles.
@europesays Cold water is being poured on this news by some analysts who say the #route the #ships took doesn't really amount to any #challenge to the #Russian #navy. We'll have to wait and see ...
#navy #Russian #challenge #ships #route
Nick Hardy BENDS CLUB on tree then makes birdie anyway https://www.fogolf.com/556145/nick-hardy-bends-club-on-tree-then-makes-birdie-anyway/
#20233MOpen #3m #3MOpen #3MOpen2023 #3mopenhighlights #bends #birdie #Club #en #Golf #golfhighlights #Hardy #Nick #NickHardy #open #pga #PGAOfficialWorldGolfRanking #PGARanking #pgatour #PGAtourgolf #pgatourhighlights #Risky #route #TPCTwinCities
#20233mopen #3m #3mopen #3mopen2023 #3mopenhighlights #bends #birdie #club #en #golf #golfhighlights #hardy #nick #nickhardy #open #pga #pgaofficialworldgolfranking #pgaranking #pgatour #pgatourgolf #pgatourhighlights #risky #route #tpctwincities
#GoodMorning! I decided to strictly follow #R10 #gravel #route to #DÄbki to see the mouth of #river #Piasnica. The road was very nice and the views very pleasant! What a great start of the day!đ„° Oh! It was of course raining in the beginning!đ€Ą #Cycling #Bicycle #Bici #Bicicleta #Ciclismo #Velo #Fahrrad #Rower #Wahoo #Wahooligan #Velominati #LifeBehindBars #LookMomNoHands #Kopalino #BikeToot #BikeTooter @cycling @rower
#debki #biketooter #biketoot #kopalino #lookmomnohands #lifebehindbars #velominati #wahooligan #wahoo #rower #Fahrrad #velo #ciclismo #Bicicleta #bici #Bicycle #Cycling #piasnica #River #route #gravel #r10 #GoodMorning
Boomerang day this -
Same route out and back and out
Over and over.
#Haiku #OneHaikuADay #WritersCollective #writingcommunity #Boomerang #Nothing #Route
July 25, 2023
#route #nothing #boomerang #writingcommunity #writerscollective #onehaikuaday #Haiku
after 10 days of only drawing & concepting the #underground #route for #ausbruch - I started with programming the first exit đ
for #playdate #1bit (I wanted to start from the back because I was so interested in subway animation...)
#underground #route #ausbruch #playdate #1bit
âSophie #Rollet contre #Goodyearâ, sur Arte : âJâai donnĂ© neuf ans de ma vie Ă ce #combatâ
>Quand son mari a Ă©tĂ© tuĂ© dans un #accident de la #route, Sophie Rollet a enquĂȘtĂ© seule et a dĂ©couvert la #dangerositĂ© de certains #pneus Goodyear. Un puissant #documentaire de Sylvie #Gilman et Thierry De Lestrade revient sur sa lutte.
#gilman #documentaire #pneus #dangerosite #route #accident #combat #goodyear #rollet
#screenshotsaturday in #ausbruch for #playdate there are two ways to #escape from #prison! The #underground #route will be more labyrinthine with #switchpuzzles #1bit
#screenshotsaturday #ausbruch #playdate #escape #prison #underground #route #switchpuzzles #1bit
« Par souci de cohĂ©rence, ce sera Ă©galement appliquĂ© en cas de conduite sous lâeffet de lâalcool. Nooooon, je plaisante, on ne voudrait pas fĂącher la filiĂšre du vin, nos Ă©lecteurs et tous ceux qui hurleraient Ă la "Tradition Française !" Ă©videmment. »
#loi #permis #route #alcool #drogue
#loi #permis #route #alcool #drogue