#AcmeSchool ##244miles northwest of #Shawnee): Miss #LoisMillard, Principal. #P.O.Dale, #Okla., #Route1). 26 present, 40 expected after all families return from southern part of the state where they have been picking cotton. #LewisW.Hine. See #W.H.SwiftReport. Location: #PotawotamieCounty, Oklahoma.
#acmeschool #244miles #shawnee #loismillard #p #okla #route1 #lewisw #w #potawotamiecounty #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#Edith, 11 years old and #Blanche13. Each picks #about100pounds of cotton a day. Go to #BeaverBendSchool when through. Father, #W.T.Rumage, #Route1, #Lawton, #Okla. Location: #ComancheCounty, Oklahoma
#Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
#edith #blanche13 #about100pounds #beaverbendschool #w #route1 #lawton #okla #comanchecounty #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#Johnnie, #Carrie and #JimDavenport picking cotton for Mr. #J.P.Daws, #Route1, #Shawnee. #Johnnie picks #75pounds, #Carrie 100 pounds and #Jim150to 200 pounds a day. Get $1.00 a hundred pounds. No School yet. Mother is a renter; moves about a great deal. Location: #PotawotamieCounty, #Oklahoma
#Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
#johnnie #carrie #jimdavenport #j #route1 #shawnee #75pounds #jim150to #potawotamiecounty #oklahoma #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#Johnnie, #Carrie and #JimDavenport picking cotton for MR. #J.P.Daws, #Route1, #Shawnee. #Johnnie picks #75pounds, #Carrie 100 pounds and #Jim150to 200 pounds a day. Get $1.00 a hundred pounds. No School yet. Mother is a renter; moves about a great deal. #LewisW.Hine. See #W.H.SwiftReport. Location: #PotawotamieCounty, #Oklahoma.
#Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
#johnnie #carrie #jimdavenport #j #route1 #shawnee #75pounds #jim150to #lewisw #w #potawotamiecounty #oklahoma #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#Johnnie, #Carrie and #JimDavenport picking cotton for Mr. #J.P.Daws, #Route1, #Shawnee. #Johnnie picks #75pounds, #Carrie 100 pounds and #Jim150to 200 pounds a day. Get $1.00 a hundred pounds. No school yet. Mother is a renter; moves about a great deal. #LewisW.Hine. See #W.H.SwiftReport. Location: #PotawotamieCounty, #Oklahoma.
#Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
#johnnie #carrie #jimdavenport #j #route1 #shawnee #75pounds #jim150to #lewisw #w #potawotamiecounty #oklahoma #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#Campbell family picking cotton. #W.W.Campbell, #Route1, Box 64, #Shawnee. Children go to #PioneerSchool, #7miles northwest of #Shawnee see photo of same) Father said: "Both the girls can hoe the cotton as well as any grown-up." #LewisW.Hine. See #W.H.SwiftReport. Location: #PotawotamieCounty, #Oklahoma.
#Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
#campbell #w #route1 #shawnee #pioneerschool #7miles #lewisw #potawotamiecounty #oklahoma #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
#AcmeSchool ##244miles northwest of #Shawnee): Miss #LoisMillard, Principal. #P.O.Dale, #Okla., #Route1). 26 present, 40 expected after all families return from southern part of the state where they have been picking cotton. #LewisW.Hine. See #W.H.SwiftReport. Location: #PotawotamieCounty, Oklahoma
#Photography #LewisHine #ChildLabour #ChildLabor
#acmeschool #244miles #shawnee #loismillard #p #okla #route1 #lewisw #w #potawotamiecounty #photography #lewishine #childlabour #childlabor
Earlier this month, our Manchester Maintenance crew found a Specialized bike on Route 1 near Mills Creek in Mendocino County.
With the assistance of the Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office, we were able to reunite the bike with Tim Tarte of Kirkland, Washington.
🔴ROAD CLOSURE: State Route 1 (PM 16-17.5) is fully CLOSED north of Point Arena at the Garcia River in Mendocino County due to flooding.
Please check quickmap.dot.ca.gov or the QuickMap app for the latest updates and road conditions.
#mendocinocounty #route1 #KnowBeforeYouGo
#mendocinocounty #route1 #knowbeforeyougo
📢Heads up Mendocino County Coast: The Garcia River continues to rise and we may have to close the gates on Route 1 north of Point Arena.
Follow Caltrans District 1 on social media for updates and quickmap.dot.ca.gov for the latest road conditions.
#route1 #KnowBeforeYouGo
We're hosting a virtual community meeting Thursday night from 5:30-6:30pm for the Jack Peters Creek Bridge Widening & Rail Upgrade Project. Learn more about this safety project on #Route1 in #MendocinoCounty.
Project and meeting details: dot.ca.gov/caltrans-near-me/…
🟢Route 1 in Mendocino County is OPEN from junction of Route 271 (PM 105.5) to 3 miles north of Rockport (PM 90.6).
Check quickmap.dot.ca.gov/ or the QuickMap app for the most up-to-date road conditions along your route.
#Route1 #mendocino
🔴 ROAD CLOSURE: Route 1 in Mendocino County remains CLOSED from junction of Route 271 (PM 105.5) to 3 miles north of Rockport (PM 90.6) due to downed trees and power lines. quickmap.dot.ca.gov
#mendocinocounty #KnowBeforeYouGo #route1
#mendocinocounty #knowbeforeyougo #route1
🚧 ROAD CLOSURE: State Route 1 is CLOSED in Mendocino County (PM 17.4-18.5) due to flooding. There is currently no estimated time of reopening.
Please follow this page for updates, and visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for the latest road conditions.
#route1 #mendocinocounty
📢Heads up Mendocino County Coast: The Garcia River continues to rise and we may have to close the gates on Route 1 north of Point Arena.
Follow Caltrans District 1 on social media for updates and visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for the latest road conditions.
#route1 #mendocino
MULTIPLE CLOSURES ALONG ROUTE 1: There are trees down impacting traffic in multiple locations along #Route1 between Gualala and Albion in #MendocinoCounty. Avoid travel if you can. Visit quickmap.dot.ca.gov for real-time traffic information.
Well. C3PO isn't fucking about with hats and jewellery is he. #Route1 #SayWhatYouMeanAndMeanWhatYouSay
RT @malcolmguite@twitter.com
You could have knocked me down with a feather https://twitter.com/ourcofelike/status/1603757647433433088
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/malcolmguite/status/1603758119766863873
#saywhatyoumeanandmeanwhatyousay #route1
Une belle journée pour profiter des privilèges de la minorité ;-) Je ne vais pas dire que c’était cool, les jaloux vont exiger de passer la saleuse… #bergesdurhone #route1