I wish them well, and I hope to give them a try, but... They chose a spot that has a history of repeated failure for #restaurants. I saw their #ComingSoon sign just the other day, outside a #restaurant building we locals know has seen several start-up attempts-- and closures soon after.
The largest flagship stores at the strip mall there (WalMart, Bed Bath & Beyond, etc) have moved to other #StripMalls or just closed up, and much of the large indoor #mall across the way is being converted into apartments, so there's not much there left to bring in hungry shoppers. #Route59 auto traffic in general already has a lot of food options, and that spot is not exactly convenient to drive to.
Hopefully, as the apartments open, they will still be there and have the apartment-dwellers as a returning customer base.
#Naperville #AuroraIllinois #Illinois #LocalNews #ChicagoSuburbs #Startups #Startup #StartupSuccess #UrbanPlanning
#comingsoon #restaurants #restaurant #stripmalls #mall #route59 #naperville #auroraillinois #illinois #localnews #chicagosuburbs #startups #startup #startupsuccess #urbanplanning