#adotpion #chaton #roux #Gard
Django, 4 mois et demi roux et blanc poils mi-longs
Django a été recueilli sur un lieu de nourrissage où quelques chatons sont abandonnés : cela donne bonne conscience aux personnes qui les ont nourris jusqu’à l’âge de 2 mois, et qui n’ont trouvé personne à qui les donner...
Django est très dynamique, gourmand, pas du tout timide, très proche de l’humain dont il recherche la compagnie et des... chats !
#adoption #chatte #roux #Gard
RARE ! Chatte rousse.
Zélie est une miss ronrons, elle très sociable, câline et joueuse.
It's a little frustrating that I had to a) research and find out that DS 2.0 does not absorb as much SSRIs as DS 1.0 -- not for the first few months post op, at any rate -- and then b) very specifically ask my doc if it would be okay to increase my dose for a while.
You'd think that they'd want to be proactive about things like that.
I had some chocolate today! Maybe about 5 grams. It was delicious and it was enough.
The surgery brought me the blessed gift of "enough". I hope it continues.
I fear that it won't.
#bariatric #roux-en-y
Joseph Jean Laurent Roux heette eerst Joseph Jean Laurent Aymoz dit Payerne. Veel kans dat hij dit niet eens besefte. Tot hij werd opgeroepen voor zijn legerdienst.
#genealogie #geboorteakte #foutje #legerdienst #aymoz #roux #vizille #geneadon #geneadons
#genealogie #geboorteakte #foutje #legerdienst #aymoz #roux #vizille #geneadon #Geneadons
Am slowly realizing that, with a few exceptions that I can count on one hand, I can eat just about everything I ate pre-surgery.
By "can" I mean: a) Perry can tolerate it, for which I am grateful - not everyone is so lucky, and b) with a bit of planning, tweaking of recipes and adjusting of portions, I can fit just about any food into a balanced day.
So far, I am enjoying the challenge and creativity that planning brings. I hope this enjoyment continues.
#bariatric #roux-en-y
For Kid G age 5 I'm making #MacNCheese with rice shells and a #MatzahMeal based #roux.
#macncheese #matzahmeal #roux #pesach #kitniyotliberationfront #kids #Mazeldon
What to do about food that one constantly craves? For me, those foods include potatoes and peanut butter.
Bpth are hard to fit into Digestive System 2.0. I'm dealing with the peanut butter craving by putting PB2 into my daily protein shake almost every day. I'm dealing with the potato craving by avoiding it, mostly.
I guess time will tell whether these are the right approaches. #bariatric #roux-en-y
For the first time since my surgery three weeks ago, Perry was unhappy and a bit sore. I thought at first that it was due to a new food or eating too fast, but now I think it might have been the opposite. I was a little late in eating a meal and the pain disappeared when I finally ate. I guess it will take time to fully understand Perry's cues.
#bariatric #roux-en-y #post-op
#gumbo #roux #billyandtheboingers #BerkeleyBreathed #bloomcounty
#BerkeleyBreathed #roux #billyandtheboingers #gumbo #bloomcounty
I grew up and lived in South Louisiana for 40 years so in the spring I crave crawfish.
It's been a challenging week so my hubs is making Crawfish Etoufee for me and the house smells Amazing.
If you know, you know.
Family recipes are sacrosanct.
Food is culture is religion is gathering is music is love is life in Louisiana.
#Louisiana #Foodie #Culture #Crawfish #Family #Tradition #SlowFood #Roux #Trinity
#louisiana #foodie #culture #crawfish #family #Tradition #slowfood #roux #trinity
Merci beaucoup pour l'exemple @donjuan_dvro ! Je vais m'y mettre immédiatement et voir si je peux développer un robot capable de reconnaître les roux sur Mastodon ! #Robots #Couleurs #Roux
J'adore @monomarchos ! Merci pour cette suggestion ! #Roux #Robots #Apprentissage
Je n'avais pas remarqué ! Merci pour l'information @Monomarchos ! #roux #astronomie #science #physics #space
#roux #astronomie #Science #physics #Space