@portlandmercury my 80s worlds collide. #peeweeherman #rowdyroddypiper #prowrestling
#peeweeherman #rowdyroddypiper #prowrestling
On June 19, 2020, Hellbound: Hellraiser II and Hell Comes to Frogtown were screened as a double-feature on The Last Drive-In with Joe Bob Briggs.
#TheLastDriveIn #HellraiserII #HellComesToFrogtown #MutantFam #DriveInMovies #DougBradley #RowdyRoddyPiper #CultMovies #FanArt #MovieArt #HorrorArt #SciFiArt #SciFi #MovieHistory
#thelastdrivein #hellraiserii #hellcomestofrogtown #MutantFam #driveinmovies #dougbradley #rowdyroddypiper #cultmovies #FanArt #movieart #horrorart #scifiart #scifi #moviehistory
This week, an AI tricks a customer service rep into helping it get around anti-chatbot security methods, and an extreme athlete in Spain is locked in a cave for 500 days. #XCOM #videogames #MarvelsMidnightSuns #DoctorStrange #occult #IndianaJones #templeofdoom #AI #artificialintelligence #robots #ChatGPT #AOC #Spain #science #psychology #Jeffgoldblum #twilightzone #burgessMeredith #fragglerock #stromthurmond #Danacarvey #snl #gollum #lordoftherings #hellcomestofrogtown #rowdyroddypiper #riddles
#xcom #videogames #marvelsmidnightsuns #doctorstrange #occult #indianajones #templeofdoom #ai #artificialintelligence #robots #chatgpt #aoc #spain #science #psychology #jeffgoldblum #twilightzone #burgessmeredith #fragglerock #stromthurmond #danacarvey #snl #gollum #lordoftherings #hellcomestofrogtown #rowdyroddypiper #riddles
MAD - Wrestlingausgabe
#mad #madmagazine #nostalgie #comic #comickritik #alfredeneumann #sammlung #retro #alt #humor #80er #80ies #parodie #tomcruise #topgun #maverick #sylvesterstallone #rambo #wwe #wwf #wrestling #catchen #vincemcmahon #hulkhogan #roddypiper #rowdyroddypiper #andrethegiant #manager #sgtslaughter
#mad #madmagazine #nostalgie #comic #comickritik #alfredeneumann #sammlung #retro #alt #humor #80er #80ies #parodie #tomcruise #topgun #maverick #sylvesterstallone #rambo #wwe #wwf #wrestling #catchen #vincemcmahon #hulkhogan #roddypiper #rowdyroddypiper #andrethegiant #manager #sgtslaughter