@Qantas boots 78yo man from business class - https://apple.news/AK3Xf4IBQRuuKMVZ8YlOd2A | So, a typical day for Australia’s “flagship” airline? Great to see #QANTAS continuing to uphold the #Australian spirit with its “high-quality” customer service… Oh, wait. | #QANTAS #Vietnam #Veteran #VietnamVeteran #ADF #AustralianDefenceForce #AustralianArmy #RoyalAustralianNavy #RoyalAustralianAirForce
#qantas #australian #vietnam #veteran #vietnamveteran #adf #australiandefenceforce #australianarmy #royalaustraliannavy #royalaustralianairforce
@Qantas boots 78yo man from business class - https://apple.news/AK3Xf4IBQRuuKMVZ8YlOd2A | So, a typical day for Australia’s “flagship” airline? Great to see #QANTAS continuing to uphold the #Australian spirit with its “high-quality” customer service… Oh, wait. | #QANTAS #Vietnam #Veteran #VietnamVeteran #ADF #AustralianDefenceForce #AustralianArmy #RoyalAustralianNavy #RoyalAustralianAirForce
#qantas #australian #vietnam #veteran #vietnamveteran #adf #australiandefenceforce #australianarmy #royalaustraliannavy #royalaustralianairforce
Australian Heavy Cruiser HMAS Australia (II) #HMASAustralia #RoyalAustralianNavy #Warship #ship #heavycruiser #Cruiser #WolrdWar2 #WorldWarTwo #SecondWorldWar #warfare #military https://www.destinationsjourney.com/historical-military-photographs/hmas-australia-ii/
#hmasaustralia #royalaustraliannavy #warship #ship #heavycruiser #cruiser #wolrdwar2 #worldwartwo #secondworldwar #WARFARE #military
Excellent recruiting video by the #RoyalAustralianNavy More of this. #AUKUS
Sounds like a good plan to bring the #RoyalAustralianNavy up to speed on operating #nuclear #submarines quickly. 5-10 years building up their officers and crews on regionally deployed US boats and then 10-15 years of independently operating modern #subs before transitioning to even newer ones.
Note also that #Virginia class subs are fueled for the life of the boat, eliminating any need for a nuclear power infrastructure, let alone one capable of producing highly enriched #uranium ( #HEU ).
#royalaustraliannavy #nuclear #submarines #subs #Virginia #uranium #heu #aukus
Royal Australian Navy to acquire Bluebottle USVs https://hubs.la/Q01tq4CG0 #USV #RoyalAustralianNavy #navy #unmanned @Australian_Navy
Original tweet : https://twitter.com/JanesINTEL/status/1597651608518664192
#usv #royalaustraliannavy #navy #unmanned