Went out to buy jacks, came back home with the latest #RoyalBlood. #rockmusic #rock #bass #basstodon #bassguitar #bassist #bassplayer
#bassplayer #bassist #bassguitar #basstodon #bass #rock #rockmusic #royalblood
Went out to buy jacks, came back home with the latest #RoyalBlood. #rockmusic #rock #bass #basstodon #bassguitar #bassist #bassplayer
#royalblood #rockmusic #rock #bass #basstodon #bassguitar #bassist #bassplayer
El dúo británico Royal Blood, que rockea solo con bajo y batería, tienen un nuevo single de su próximo disco. El tema lleva por título «Pull Me Through»
#RoyalBlood #PullMeThrough #EstrenosMusicales #Singles #Rock #Música
#royalblood #pullmethrough #estrenosmusicales #singles #rock #musica
Took a bit of a trip this week to go and see Muse + Royal Blood this week in Bern Switzerland. Absolutely monstrous show... unfortunately perfectly synchronised with the rain. No, no one moved. Muse are truly on another level.
#Introduction post, now with hashtags!
I'm #neurodivergent #ActuallyAutistic and work in autism policy so will likely talk mostly about that.
Other interests include:
#music (#Muse, #Bastille, #RoyalBlood [yes I know I know])
#transport #trains (mostly #londonunderground
I've deliberately picked a different username from my other socials as I want to worry sliiiightly less about Being Perceived here hahaha
#introduction #neurodivergent #actuallyautistic #music #muse #bastille #royalblood #doctorwho #transport #trains #londonunderground
Concerto muito bom. É incrível o power q este duo transmite só com bateria e baixo🤘🏻
Al parecer no estaban con su público 😢
El dúo se presentó en Camperdown Park en Dundee como parte del festival anual de Radio One, donde no quedaron muy satisfechos que digamos con la forma en que la multitud reaccionó ante ellos.
#RoyalBlood #BigWeekend #BBC #Dundee
#royalblood #bigweekend #bbc #dundee
El dúo británico Royal Blood anunció su 4to disco de estudio, a publicarse el 8 de septiembre, y lanzaron el primer single «Mountains at Midnight». Una canción, que parece regresar a su lado más rockero, como fueron sus 2 primeros discos.
#royalblood #mountainsatmidnight #estrenosmusicales #singles
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Radio1EarlyBreakfast
Royal Blood:
🎵 Lights Out
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#nowplaying #Radio1EarlyBreakfast #bbcr1 #royalblood
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #Rickie,MelvinAndCharlie
Royal Blood:
🎵 Trouble's Coming
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#nowplaying #Rickie #bbcr1 #royalblood
🔊 #NowPlaying on BBCRadio1's #KatieThistleton
Royal Blood:
🎵 Lights Out
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#nowplaying #KatieThistleton #bbcr1 #royalblood
@guner_ Though my favourite #RoyalBlood thing is still their version of "Happy". It makes me - well - happy.