Feminist pioneer #MoniqueBégin dies at 87
«In 1966, she was a signatory of the founding charter of the #FederationDesFemmesDuQuebec, for which she served as the first vice-president.
The following year, she was named secretary general of the #RoyalCommission of Inquiry into the Status of #Women in #Canada. The report it published in 1970 remains important to this day.»
#FFQ #Quebec #Feminist #Feminism #CanadaHealthAct #ChildTaxCredit #OrderOfCanada
Read more here:
#moniquebegin #federationdesfemmesduquebec #royalcommission #women #canada #ffq #quebec #feminist #feminism #canadahealthact #childtaxcredit #orderofcanada
“#Australia is sleepwalking into our #fiery future”.
…the 2020 recommendations of the #bushfire royal commission, which was called the #RoyalCommission into #NationalNaturalDisasterArrangements.
a “clarion call for change – across land-use planning, infrastructure, emergency management, social policy, agriculture, education, physical and mental health, community development, energy and the environment”.
Three years on, very little, if anything, has happened.” https://aus.social/@ApaulD/110924230554798617
#australia #fiery #bushfire #royalcommission #nationalnaturaldisasterarrangements
Malcolm Turnbull says Sky News voice channel would be 'anger-tainment'
The former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull says he has serious concerns about Sky News’ plans to launch a new channel dedicated to covering the Indigenous voice to parliament referendum 24 hours, seven days a week.
Turnbull has told ABC Radio he believes Sky News and Fox News in the US have the goal to “rile people up”:
#skynews #TheVoiceToParliament #RoyalCommission
#skynews #thevoicetoparliament #royalcommission #morebullshitfromfox
Kathryn Campbell quits $900,000 top defence job after #robodebt #royalcommission report #robodebt
Just as long as the blame doesn't stop here ...
"Senior Department of Defence official Kathryn Campbell has been suspended without pay in the wake of the royal commission report into robodebt.
The royal commission report said Campbell, a former head of the Department of Human Services, had been 'responsible for a department that had established, implemented and maintained an unlawful program'.
But Campbell 'did nothing of substance' when exposed to information that brought to light the illegality of income averaging, the report said, and 'failed to act' when presented with opportunities to obtain legal advice."
Good. She's a ... not nice person, who saw to it that her masters were kept happy and the money kept rolling in, stolen from those least able to either afford it or fight the system.
We need to keep in mind however that her masters MUST be held to account as well. Without them, Campbell herself would likely have amounted to nothing more than an officious bureaucrat who did nothing of any note and got nowhere further in her career.
#Australia #AusPol #RoboDebt #RoyalCommission #KathrynCampbell #ScottMorrison
#australia #auspol #robodebt #royalcommission #kathryncampbell #scottmorrison
@AnOldGuy Oh, FFS, he didn't? He did, didn't he.
Yeah, I read the article, and he did.
Didn't we actually just have a royal fucking commission deliver a 990-page report that determined that some of these individuals made mistakes, or... checks notes...
allowed things to "go wrong through venality, incompetence and cowardice".
And Voldemort warns against trial by media. No, we've had a royal commission, you fucker.
#auspol #robodebt #royalcommission
"We must be clear it was those on social security themselves, with their very suffering, who stopped robodebt...While the powerful engaged in accountability theatre, people went on suffering and suffering."
#robodebt #state #government #media #PublicService #failure #RoyalCommission #change #CivilSociety
#robodebt #state #government #media #publicservice #failure #royalcommission #change #civilsociety
"Those in power ridiculed or ignored the criticisms of victims, activists and civil society, who were all convinced of its profound unfairness. Eventually, the media grew tired of the story." https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2023/jul/08/it-was-so-shocking-why-robodebts-dark-legacy-will-linger-long-after-royal-commission-report?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other #robodebt #royalcommission
#auspol #robodebt #suicide #royalCommission
#auspol #robodebt #suicide #royalcommission
Wow. Today the commission feels more like a criminal trial.
Ms Wilson also suffers with memory problems.
My disgust is painful now
#robodebt #greggery #royalcommission
Health Services Union (HSU) NSW calls for Royal Commission into health spend in NSW.
#NSWhealthsystem #royalcommission @HSUNSW
#nswhealthsystem #royalcommission
There were four graduates from Auckland College and Grammar School, 3 from St Johns College, and 1 each from Wellington College, Nelson College, and Bishopdale College. The Auckland schools disaffiliated in 1883 with the foundation of Auckland University College.
Conveniently there was a Royal Commission to enquire into the "operations of the University of New Zealand and its relation to the secondary schools of the colony" in 1878, and its interim and final reports provide lots of detail of the workings of the schools in this period.
Interim report: https://atojs.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/atojs?a=d&d=AJHR1879-I.
Final report: https://atojs.natlib.govt.nz/cgi-bin/atojs?a=d&d=AJHR1880-I.
The interim report is especially fascinating as it contains transcripts of the interviews undertaken by the Commissioners.
#Auckland #HistoryOfEducation #HistEd #Victorian #RoyalCommission #UniversityOfNewZealand
#auckland #historyofeducation #histed #Victorian #royalcommission #universityofnewzealand
Royal commissions transformed Britain in the 1960s – we desperately need them now https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/feb/03/royal-commissions-transformed-britain-1960s-nhs-housing?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other
CPSU lutruwita/Tasmania Regional Secretary Zac Batchelor talks about the impact on Services Australia staff who were required to work on the illegal Robodebt scheme.
#robodebt #cpsu #union #abchobart #royalcommission
Over the last decade, the #AustralianCensus has shown a large drop in the number of people identifying as #Christian in some form or another. There had already been a clear downward trend for a variety of reasons, but the acceleration in recent years is notable.
What are the reasons for this? To my mind, some of the most significant factors are these:
1. The consequences of the #RoyalCommission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse confirming and further exposing not just the prevalence of horrendous abuse within the #church (often with clergy as perpetrators), but even more devastatingly, the extent to which senior church leadership were complicit in covering up these awful crimes. Allowing a predator into leadership is a terrible thing; worse is to know someone is likely an abuser, but then prioritise the church’s reputation and finances over the safety and well-being of children. It is now widely known that some abusers had a string of complaints against them, but senior church leadership simply moved them from parish to parish to parish, leaving a trail of suffering and destruction behind them.
#australiancensus #christian #royalcommission #church #churchcoverup
Wandered over to check our the #Robodebt #RoyalCommission live stream, for something to do (as one does).
The witness they've got on there now is as weak as water. I've seen more convincing and assertive performances from a scolded 6-yo who's been caught trying to shave the cat.
This guy was actually in charge of something?