#86 J.T. Blight - List of Antiquities In the Hundreds of Kirrier and Penwith, West Cornwall: With References to the Works In Which They Are Described and Figured. Royal Institution of Cornwall, Truro, 1862, 1st edition. #JTBlight #Antiquities #Archaeology #Penwith #Kerrier #Cornwall #RoyalInstitutionOfCornwall #BookOfTheDay
#jtblight #antiquities #archaeology #penwith #kerrier #cornwall #royalinstitutionofcornwall #bookoftheday
#79 Thurstan C. Peter (ed) - Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, Vol XVII, Part 3. Royal Institution of Cornwall, Truro, 1909. #Cornwall #RoyalInstitutionOfCornwall #Archaeology #BookOfTheDay
#cornwall #royalinstitutionofcornwall #archaeology #bookoftheday
#74 Charles Thomas - Views and Likenesses: Early Photographers and Their Work in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly 1839-1870. Royal Institution of Cornwall, Truro, 1988, 1st edition. #Cornwall #Scilly #EarlyPhotography #Photography #CharlesThomas #RoyalInstitutionOfCornwall #BookOfTheDay
#cornwall #scilly #earlyphotography #photography #CharlesThomas #royalinstitutionofcornwall #bookoftheday
#71 Twenty-Second Annual Report of the Royal Institution of Cornwall. Royal Institution of Cornwall, Truro, 1840. #Cornwall #Archaeology #Mining #Ornithology #RoyalInstitutionOfCornwall #BookOfTheDay
#cornwall #archaeology #mining #ornithology #royalinstitutionofcornwall #bookoftheday
#66 John Stengelhofen (ed) - The Royal Institution of Cornwall Newsletter 2. Royal lnstitution of Cornwall, Truro, October, 1987. #Cornwall #RoyalInstitutionOfCornwall #Archaeology #Museums #Archives #TombTuesday #BookOfTheDay
#cornwall #royalinstitutionofcornwall #archaeology #museums #archives #TombTuesday #bookoftheday
#53 Thurstan C. Peter (ed) - Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, Vol XVII, Part 2. Royal Institution of Cornwall, Truro, 1908. #Cornwall #RoyalInstitutionOfCornwall #BookOfTheDay
#cornwall #royalinstitutionofcornwall #bookoftheday
#28 Thurstan C. Peter (ed) - Journal of the Royal Institution of Cornwall, Vol XVII, Part 1. Royal Institution of Cornwall, Truro, 1907. #Cornwall #RoyalInstitutionOfCornwall
#cornwall #royalinstitutionofcornwall