Sharing from a discussion list I'm on:
"Just wanted to let you know about some upcoming deadlines for the #RoyalSocietyOfChemistry Outreach Fund and #ChemistryWeek grant schemes.
Through these grants we're really interested in supporting engagement projects that connect different audiences (e.g. #families, under 5s, #youth, young carers, older adults, people with #disabilities, under-served communities, #schools) with #chemistry.
- Outreach Fund: **upcoming deadline** 04/09/23 (last deadline for 2023 is 06/11)
Grants of up to £10,000 available to support chemical science engagement activities in the UK/ROI for both public and schools based audiences.
For more information go to
- Chemistry Week 2023: Celebrating Chemistry Throughout November 2023 - **Upcoming Deadline** 04/09/23.
This year Chemistry Week is 5 – 11 Nov. 2023 but we invite you to celebrate the chemical sciences throughout November within the theme of “chemistry making the world a better place”.
Grants up to £500 available via the RSC Chemistry Week 2023 grant scheme (remaining deadlines: 04/09, 02/10).
If you have plans for a larger activity within Chemistry Week please apply via the Outreach Fund (as above).
For more information on Chemistry Week go to
Both funding streams are open to all, and are only open to UK and Republic of Ireland applicants for activity to take place within the UK and Republic of Ireland."
#chemistry #schools #disabilities #youth #families #chemistryweek #royalsocietyofchemistry
Over 50 publishing organisations have jointly committed to action on inclusion and diversity. This great initiative from the Royal Society of Chemistry now has a steering committee chaired by Nicola Nugent:
It will hopefully complement and work alongside our Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion committee chaired by Ana Heredia, PhD
#DEIA #EDI #EquityDiversityInclusion #JournalPublication #PublishingIndustry #RoyalSocietyOfChemistry
#deia #EDI #equitydiversityinclusion #journalpublication #PublishingIndustry #royalsocietyofchemistry
This is my first #mentor. We met about 30 Years ago. Helped me get me #chartered #chemist. Sponsored my #FRSC. He showed me what #volunteering for #chemistry could do. Today, thanks to Graham, I am Treasurer for #royalsocietyofchemistry. I am #director for a #nuclear company. All because people were generous with their time to coach and sponsor me. So I give you my first mentor ever. #leadership #ChemCommunity
#chemcommunity #leadership #nuclear #director #royalsocietyofchemistry #chemistry #volunteering #frsc #chemist #chartered #mentor
The Royal Society of Chemistry needs your input on #ResearchCulture:
"Share your views on what a positive science culture should look like for the chemical sciences. Registration is now open to join our science culture focus groups 👉"
The groups will be held on Feb 1 and 16. HT Karen Stroobants on Twitter
#RoyalSocietyOfChemistry #FocusGroups #Chemistry #AcademicMastodon #PhDchat #DiversityAndInclusion
#ResearchCulture #royalsocietyofchemistry #FocusGroups #chemistry #AcademicMastodon #phdchat #diversityandinclusion
A nice infographic from #digitaldiscovery the #RoyalSocietyofChemistry journal I am an EIC for. We promote our work this way to make it accessible. Stay tuned for more from us here in the Fediverse! This one in particular is about data representations of molecular spectra.
#digitaldiscovery #royalsocietyofchemistry #chemistry #molecules #automation #realtimechem
This is what I am up to today. Looking forward to a fantastic day of presentations and networking at the Joint Pharmaceutical Analysis Group “Pharmaceutical Analysis Research Awards and Careers Fair 2022”#Science #Pharmacy #RoyalSocietyofChemistry #RoyalPharmaceuticalSociety #JointPharmaceuticalAnalysisGroup
#Science #pharmacy #royalsocietyofchemistry #royalpharmaceuticalsociety #jointpharmaceuticalanalysisgroup
Posted to Twitter :
Jun 12
Generating Electricity from Urea Using NiCoMo/Graphene Catalysts
#chemistry #science #electricity #generation #royalsocietyofchemistry
#chemistry #science #electricity #generation #royalsocietyofchemistry