#BuckOwens and #RoyClark started pickin' and grinnin' on HEE HAW tonight in 1969.
The countrified variety show was CBS's replacement for the abruptly cancelled SMOTHERS BROTHERS COMEDY HOUR.
#1960stv #countrymusic #classictv #royclark #buckowens
#BuckOwens and #RoyClark started pickin' and grinnin' on HEE HAW tonight in 1969.
The countrified variety show was CBS's replacement for the abruptly cancelled SMOTHERS BROTHERS COMEDY HOUR.
#1960stv #countrymusic #classictv #royclark #buckowens
🔊 #NowPlaying on #KEXP's #SwinginDoors
Roy Clark:
🎵 Chicken Wire
#nowplaying #kexp #SwinginDoors #royclark
Tonight in 1978 — #HannaBarbera's All-Star Comedy Ice Revue debuted on CBS.
This truly bizarre variety special combined a “roast" for #FredFlintsone (with live-action, costumed characters), animation, and production numbers featuring #TheIceCapades stars.
#BonnieFranklin (#OnDayAtATime) and #RoyClark (#HeeHaw) hosted.
See the magic for yourself on the Internet Archive:
#nostalgia #1970stv #1970s #classictv #onthisday #heehaw #royclark #ondayatatime #bonniefranklin #theicecapades #fredflintsone #hannabarbera
I was today years old when I learned about Roy Clark 😮
I thought I had clicked on a random Johnny Cash appreciation video…
#royclark #folsomprisonblues #johnnycash #vanhalen #adogg
On this day, November 15th, in 2018: Mr. Roy Clark died. He was 85.
Today's soundtrack: He was my first exposure to country music.
Today's screening:
1. "Hee-Haw"
2. Roy on "The Odd Couple" - https://bit.ly/joeyx267
3. Roy tearing up, and dancing, on "The 12th Street Rag" on "The Jimmy Dean Show" - https://tinyurl.com/3dac4fd2
Waiting patiently for the #HeeHaw #reboot.
#SierraFerrell as #MinniePearl
#JimLauderdale as #GrandpaJones
#CharleyCrockett as John / #JimHager
#AaronLeeTasjan as #NurseGoodbody
#nursegoodbody #aaronleetasjan #stringbean #booray #ronistoneman #valeriejune #jimhager #charleycrockett #gordietapp #langhorneslim #luluroman #elleking #grandpajones #jimlauderdale #minniepearl #sierraferrell #junior #johnmoreland #buxkowens #margoprice #royclark #joshuahedley #reboot #heehaw