Hey, also, happy Roy Moore is a garbage human day!
"On this day in history August 28, 2003, the Supreme Court of Alabama removed a monument of the Ten Commandments from its courthouse.
The monument, as of 2020, was on display on private property in Montgomery, at Roy Moore’s “Foundation for Moral Law” building."
#5yrsago Seattle passes America’s most comprehensive labor protections for domestic workers https://truthout.org/articles/seattle-domestic-workers-win-most-comprehensive-bill-of-rights-in-us/
#5yrsago #QuietSkies: Air Marshals are following thousands of random Americans through airports and on planes, for no articulatable purpose https://apps.bostonglobe.com/news/nation/graphics/2018/07/tsa-quiet-skies/?p1=HP_SpecialTSA
#5yrsago #SachaBaronCohen confronts #RoyMoore with a beeping “pedophile detector” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kaJaDx51iw
#5yrsago #quietskies #sachabaroncohen #roymoore
Mississippi and Alabama are ‘Twin States’, but they’re not identical twins.
#Mississippi is known for racism, and thanks to creation of the #EmmettTillMonument we will #NeverForget.
Whereas, thanks to former Chief Justice of the state #SupremeCourt #RoyMoore , #Alabama is known for #SexualAbuse of children. We are reminded of this today by a former employee of the state Department of #Education. 👉 https://www.huffpost.com/entry/cole-wagner-alabama-abortion-arrested_n_64bea75fe4b093f07cb58c96
#mississippi #emmetttillmonument #NeverForget #supremecourt #roymoore #alabama #SexualAbuse #education
Can anyone explain to me why every time I try to remember #RoyWoodJr's name I get that gottam pedo #RoyMoore stuck in my brain?
I love the former and I'm still trying to scrape the latter off the bottom of my shoe.
#Bannon Blamed, Mocked After #RoyMoore Loss (this from the Daily Caller no less) http://dailycaller.com/2017/12/12/steve-bannon-blamed-mocked-after-roy-moore-loss/
TIL the #Alabama county which voted most for #RoyMoore has ghost towns named Batts Nest and Booger Tree, and a hamlet called Boar Tush.
Perhaps more interestingly, it supported Republicans - the party of Lincoln - almost uniformly since opposing secession in the Civil War. Winston County rejected Southern Democrats for decades, in fact standing alone in Alabama to vote GOP for president from 1936-1948.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Winston_County,_Alabama #USpol