📬 McFly: Ein quelloffenes Picofly-Board für Nintendo Switch-Hack
#Gaming #Jailbreaks #Atmosphère #CFW #GBAtemp #HWFly #McFly #NintendoSwitch #OpenSource #Picofly #Pikofly #RP2040Zero #Saliciae https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/jailbreaks/mcfly-ein-quelloffenes-picofly-board-fuer-nintendo-switch-hack-272155.html
#saliciae #rp2040zero #pikofly #picofly #opensource #nintendoswitch #mcfly #hwfly #gbatemp #cfw #atmosphere #jailbreaks #gaming
📬 Nintendo-Switch-Hack dank Picofly-Modchip günstiger denn je
#Gaming #Jailbreaks #Atmosphère #GBAtemp #hekate #HWFly #Modchip #NintendoSwitch #Picofly #Pikofly #Rehius #RP2040Zero #TeamXecuter https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/jailbreaks/nintendo-switch-hack-dank-picofly-modchip-guenstiger-denn-je-272121.html
#TeamXecuter #rp2040zero #rehius #pikofly #picofly #nintendoswitch #modchip #hwfly #hekate #gbatemp #atmosphere #jailbreaks #gaming
Picofly: The $3 #Nintendo Switch hacking modchip is real, and it's now available
Until now, the only way to hack a Nintendo Switch (except for the early, unpatched V1 models) was through other, expensive hardware modchips: the (now out of production) SX chips by infamous team Xecuter, or their multiple clones known as #HWFly, which can today be found for about $70 (almost twice that about a year ago).
#NintendoSwitch #ModChip #RP2040Zero
#nintendo #hwfly #nintendoswitch #modchip #rp2040zero