#rpgada2023 - Day 19 - Favourite Published Adventure
Harder than you think because I am not sure which adventures I played were published or home made
As to running them, I often hack them about to fit my ideas. One adventure a year ago was a cut and shut of three adventures and my own world ideas
So going "Little Lost Warbot" by Marcus Rowland in White Dwarf 91. A Paranoia adventure featuring Mexican bandit Daleks and other fun things
# 10 : meilleure fiction à partir d'un jdr (Enfin c'est ce que je comprends du prompt 😅)
Ce n'est probablement pas la meilleure (est-ce qu'il y en a de vraiment bonnes?), mais j'éprouve un petit plaisir coupable en regardant "The Legend of Vox Machina".
#voxmachina #rpgada2023 #ttrpg #jdr