Most memorable ENCOUNTER
When 3.0 first came out I had a couple campaigns going, and in 1there was an evil wizard who wanted to take out the party. It charmed a hydra, slipped a ring of regeneration on its toe, and sent it after the party as they were down for the night. They killed it, moved camp (who wants to sleep next to the corpse of a hydra?) and bedded down.
#RPGaDay #RPGaDay2023
Never did wrap this up here.. but I did on my blog, so here's the rest of them:
SCARIEST game you've played
I can't think of a scary game that I've played. I've played games with scary monsters, I've played games as scary monsters, but I've never myself felt scared.
#RPGADAY2023 Epilogue.
Compare your answers with those from the first #RPGaDay .
This showed how much positive stuff has happened for me in the last 10 years of gaming.
Games mentioned as unplayed, I've since played. Answers related to sessions played (scariest, etc) have changed because I have more experiences to choose from.
It was nice to be reminded of a few games/ modules I've forgotten, too, such as Scott Jenkins' "Don't Ask" and Jonathan Tweet & Robin D. Laws' "Over The Edge".
Day 31 #RPGaDAY2023 #rpgaday23 #rpgaday #TTRPG
Favorite TTRPG of all time? The reason I love this hobby isn't dependent on one system. It's the people who want to help others have a good time. It's the knowledge passed from Game Master to Game Master over the decades. It's the community we build, share, and play together in that makes it my favorite hobby. In short, I don't have a favorite TYRPG
I hope everyone had as much fun as I did with this sharing adventure. Can't wait till next year.
#rpgaday2023 #rpgaday23 #rpgaday #ttrpg
RPG A Day 2023 - Sorry that I could not continue after day 17, but a wonderful puppy arrived in my family and instantly set all rules (and minds) on fire. 🤣
At least I owe you a pic of this happy and georgeous little creature.
#RPGaDAY2023 #TTRPG #RPGADay #pnpde #dog
#rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #rpgaday #pnpde #dog
Mein liebstes #PnP aller Zeiten?
Vom Setting her: #NoReturn
Von den Regeln und Feeling her: #DungeonsAndDragons5e
Der #DiceGoblin in mir will noch #Shadowrun einwerfen weill viele W6 geworfen werden.
#pnp #noreturn #dungeonsanddragons5e #dicegoblin #shadowrun #rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #pnpde
Back on Birdsite, I participated in the first #RPGADay. I don't know why, but I found #RPGaDay2023 particularly stimulating and entertaining. Thank you for all the exciting insights and perspectives.
(31) FAVORITE RPG of all time
"All time" is my sticking point with this question. I don't have the nostalgia that some have with older games. I had a good time with them, but that doesn't keep me from seeing how newer RPGs solve issues that I ran into back in the day. My "all time favorite RPG" might end up being one that hasn't been published yet.
My current favorite is Star Trek Adventures. It lets me run a Trek RPG without getting in the way.
#rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #ttrpg #ttrpgs
(30) OBSCURE RPG you've played
I could mention any number of homebrews, but that seems against the spirit of the question.
The majority of RPGs I have experience with are well-known for a good reason. If they weren't commercially successful, they would never have shown up on my radar. Now, I have acquired a few interesting RPGs from smaller companies and places like, so my response to such a question will likely change moving forward.
#rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #ttrpg #ttrpgs
(29) Most memorable ENCOUNTER
Likely the "hunt down and kill the traitor" session I described in response to an earlier question. It wasn't the encounter the GM planned on running, but it was the one we wanted to play. Which brings up a point - the best encounters sometimes emerge from a place other than the GM's imagination.
#rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #ttrpg #ttrpgs
(28) SCARIEST game you've played
I have a couple of difficulties coming up with an answer here. As a Forever GM, I run far more games than I play. Worse, I've yet to find a GM who can run horror well and has a slot open for a new player. This puts a limit on my ability to play a "scariest game" or pick up the skills to run one.
#rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #ttrpg #ttrpgs
#RPGaDAY2023 Last Day, and a question I'm not even sure I can answer. Favourite RPG?
There are several I've invested a lot of time and effort into so Call Of Cthulhu, WEG Star Wars, and BECMI D&D would be rivals to win if my commitment to them was how I picked a favourite.
Newer games like Savage Worlds and Mörk Borg would win if I judged based on game mechanics.
TLDR: I don't have one I can pick above the others, my favourite on any day is the one we are enjoying at that time.
#ttrpg #RPGaDAY
#RPGaDay #31: FAVOURITE RPG of all time – SkyRealms of Jorune, the post-apocalyptic, alien world planetary romance published by SkyRealms Publishing in 1986.
#rpgaday #rpgaday2023 #ttrpg #ttrpgs
#RPGaDay #RPGaDay2023 Tag 31: Liebstes #pnpde aller Zeiten.
Keine Ahnung ob ich eins habe. Ich denke es gibt viele gute Spiele da draußen, mit denen sich viele tolle Geschichten erleben lassen. Manche Spiele werden mit neuen Edition besser, andere eher schlechter. Was heute mein Lieblingsspiel ist, wird morgen vielleicht durch ein anderes abgelöst...
New on my #dnd game design blog – a round up of #RPGaDay 2023 Days 17 - 31
For rules, I think #CortexPrime is my favorite of all time. I was a relative latecomer to the Cortex train, but I'm totally onboard now.
#cortexprime #rpgaday2023 #rpgaday #ttrpg
Day 31: It was always going to come down to one of the World of Darkness games, and in the end, my favorite is the first one — Vampire, with Mage taking a close second. #RPGaDay #rpg #RPGaDAY2023
#RPGaDay2023 day 31: Favourite RPG of all time.
This is a cop out, but I really don't have one. Games are tools for particular purposes. I enjoy the shared creativity that comes from games, and I enjoy the different experiences that different games promote.
I'm just a butterfly, constantly being distracted by the next neat thing.
#RPGaDay2023 Complex/Simple RPG You Like To Play - #Fiasco, a game about "powerful ambitions and power impulse control"
I've played it twice - once at a con, once with my home group - and I'd love to play it again. #TTRPG #RPGaDay
#rpgaday2023 #Fiasco #ttrpg #rpgaday