Most memorable ENCOUNTER
When 3.0 first came out I had a couple campaigns going, and in 1there was an evil wizard who wanted to take out the party. It charmed a hydra, slipped a ring of regeneration on its toe, and sent it after the party as they were down for the night. They killed it, moved camp (who wants to sleep next to the corpse of a hydra?) and bedded down.
#RPGaDay #RPGaDay2023
Never did wrap this up here.. but I did on my blog, so here's the rest of them:
SCARIEST game you've played
I can't think of a scary game that I've played. I've played games with scary monsters, I've played games as scary monsters, but I've never myself felt scared.
Good Morning fellow Mastodonians!
During #rpgaday2023 #AliceIsMissing was often mentioned as a game.of interest. Looks like #drivethrurpg was listening, 'cos they now offer PDF and Roll20 VTT versions in one 20% off Bundle!
(I'm in no way affiliated with any third party, just think it's a very interesting game...)
#rpgaday2023 #AliceIsMissing #drivethrurpg
Fell kind of behind on the #RPGaDay2023 challenge, so gonna wrap it up in a couple of posts today:
23: Coolest Looking RPG product I own: Whim of the day says that it's the Night Vale-inspired styling of Kagegami High's cover art, which is quite simple but I find it very effective.
24: Complex/Simple games I play. Right now the most complex game I play is probably D&D 5e, with FFG Star Wars in second place (I could see where someone might swap those, but I'm comfortable with those rankings.) The simplest is Tiny Gunslingers.
25: Unplayed RPG you own: Most of them, really. The one I most lament not getting to try is Capes.
26: Favorite Character Sheet: I really love being able to fit a whole character on an index card, so I'm going to go with Ghostbusters here.
27: I Want to see a new edition of: I'd like to see Mike Pondsmith take yet another swing at Teenagers from Outer Space. Just to see where his head has gone over the past several years.
Irgendwie vermisse ich #RPGaDay2023 . Was soll’s dann mache ich bei #Dungeon23 weiter. Aber #MÖRKTOBER lasse ich mal aus…
#rpgaday2023 #dungeon23 #morktober
#RPGaDay2023: "A new GMless game played this year".
I think only one game fits this category - Small Stories, another forthcoming Good Society hack. This one is designed for two-player games, and changes the play structure to facilitate a game with just two major characters. I found this a little challenging - being in every scene while also trying to come up with what would come next and only having one other person to bounce off. But I think after some more playtesting this will be amazing!
Now that #rpgaday2023 is over? What now? ;) #ttrpg I like #3kernals
1) the beer no longer makes drinkers drunk.
2) the book covers in the library are all wrong.
3) sheep are running around town 'demanding' their fur back.
This is my #RPGaDAY2023 challenge after action report. I had a lot of fun talking about #ttrpg topics.
RPGaDAY2023 Challenge After Action Report – TardisCaptain's Blog of Holding
#RPGADAY2023 Epilogue.
Compare your answers with those from the first #RPGaDay .
This showed how much positive stuff has happened for me in the last 10 years of gaming.
Games mentioned as unplayed, I've since played. Answers related to sessions played (scariest, etc) have changed because I have more experiences to choose from.
It was nice to be reminded of a few games/ modules I've forgotten, too, such as Scott Jenkins' "Don't Ask" and Jonathan Tweet & Robin D. Laws' "Over The Edge".
Day 31 #RPGaDAY2023 #rpgaday23 #rpgaday #TTRPG
Favorite TTRPG of all time? The reason I love this hobby isn't dependent on one system. It's the people who want to help others have a good time. It's the knowledge passed from Game Master to Game Master over the decades. It's the community we build, share, and play together in that makes it my favorite hobby. In short, I don't have a favorite TYRPG
I hope everyone had as much fun as I did with this sharing adventure. Can't wait till next year.
#rpgaday2023 #rpgaday23 #rpgaday #ttrpg
21) Favorite Licensed RPG
WEG's Star Wars, hands down. Still a solid system, though I think it is showing its age a bit.
Licensed games make my heart hurt a bit, though; I think of all the licensed games that have disappeared once licenses run out.
20) Will still play in 20 years
No idea. 20 years ago, I was enthusiastic about 3.0, and leery of 3.5. Now, I don't like them.
19) Favorite Published Adventure
T1 The Village of Hommlet. I often mash it up with B2 Keep on the Borderlands, with the Caves of Chaos being controlled from the Moathouse.
18) Favorite Game System
#SavageWorlds. A few years ago, it would be #Hackmaster, but Hackmaster really only plays Hackmaster, whereas Savage Worlds can handle all sorts of things.
#ttrpg #rpgaday2023 #savageworlds #Hackmaster
17) Funniest Game you've played
I'm gonna go back with those #4e #DnD one-shots like Fane of the Heresiarch. My DM was really into what was called "FourthCore", which was making some absolutely gonzo stuff with 4e. We had little attachment to our characters and so would just do wild shit for the joy of it.
16) Game you wish you owned
When they came out, Bull bought me a copy of #Shadowrun 3rd edition's hardback, known as the BABY (Big All-Black Yearbook; he'd offered to buy if you sent him a money order). Years later, I sold it, which I still regret.
#ttrpg #rpgaday2023 #shadowrun
15) Favorite Con Module/One-Shot
Fane of the Heresiarch for #4e #DnD. My character sheet had a printing problem where my name was, so I became "Sista Ballista". I believe I died due to "Polymorph Into Literature". The DM let me tell what the book was; it was "Sista Ballista gets all the mistas", as pick-up artist book for nuns.
14) Favorite Convention Purchase
My first kilt, at my one and only trip to #GenCon, ten years ago.
13) Most memorable character demise
Mentioned it several times, but the True Atlantean Shifter who committed suicide by Demon Lord (for a good cause)