Must. Finish. Blog. Post. Today.
Einer meiner Lieblingsblogs ist "From The Sorcerer's Skull" von Trey Causey. Hier findet man immer gute Inspirationen für alles Mögliche rund um das Rollenspiel, von Weird Fantasy, über OSR, bis Science Fiction.
#pnpde #ttrg #blog #rpgblog #sorcerersskull #TreyCausey #HydraCollective
#pnpde #ttrg #blog #rpgblog #sorcerersskull #treycausey #hydracollective
Grognardia looks back at one of the essential Classic Traveller Supplements, Citizens of the Imperium.
#TTRPG #RpgBlog #ClassicTraveller #Traveller #TravellerRpg #Grognardia
#ttrpg #rpgblog #ClassicTraveller #traveller #travellerrpg #grognardia
@chgowiz has a great blog post on his experiences running #ClassicTraveller 77 style.
#TTRPG #Traveller #TravellerRpg #RpgBlog #BSG #BattleStarGalactica
#ClassicTraveller #ttrpg #traveller #travellerrpg #rpgblog #bsg #battlestargalactica
Wrote up the first scene of my Brave Nightingale campaign. I’m definitely a bit rusty and could use an editor. No dice rolled yet. Just a quick ensemble to introduce the crew.
#TTRPG #RpgBlog #SoloRpg #Traveller #TravellerRpg #ClassicTraveller #Traveller5 #Foreven #BraveNightingale #CosmicTales
#ttrpg #rpgblog #soloRPG #traveller #travellerrpg #ClassicTraveller #traveller5 #foreven #bravenightingale #cosmictales
Wrote up the first scene of my Brave Nightingale campaign. I’m definitely a bit rusty and could use an editor. No dice rolled yet. Just a quick ensemble to introduce the crew.
#TTRPG #RpgBlog #SoloRpg #Traveller #TravellerRpg #ClassicTraveller #Traveller5 #Foreven #BraveNightingale #CosmicTales
#ttrpg #rpgblog #soloRPG #traveller #travellerrpg #ClassicTraveller #traveller5 #foreven #bravenightingale #cosmictales
This is what happens when I’m not limited to 500 characters.
Wrote up the gear the crew of the Brave Nightingale stocked in the ship’s locker.
#TTRPG #SoloRpg #RpgBlog #Traveller #Foreven #BraveNightingale #ShipsLocker #Traveller5 #ClassicTraveller #GMPrep
#ttrpg #soloRPG #rpgblog #traveller #foreven #bravenightingale #shipslocker #traveller5 #ClassicTraveller #gmprep
Not much new here if you’ve been following me long, but I’ve written the first blog post over at cosmic tales.
#TTRPG #RpgBlog #SoloRpg #Foreven #BraveNightingale #Traveller #ClassicTraveller #TravellerRpg #Traveller5 #CosmicTales
#ttrpg #rpgblog #soloRPG #foreven #bravenightingale #traveller #ClassicTraveller #travellerrpg #traveller5 #cosmictales
Made a page with the stats for the crew of the Brave Nightingale. Still need to add little biographies for each.
Also getting more familiar with markdown.
I guess it’s about time I make an actual post.
#TTRPG #Blog #RpgBlog #Traveller #TravellerRpg #Traveller5 #ClassicTraveller #Foreven #BraveNightingale #Solo #SoloRpg
#ttrpg #blog #rpgblog #traveller #travellerrpg #traveller5 #ClassicTraveller #foreven #bravenightingale #solo #soloRPG
Now with Brave Nightingale description and stats.
Foreven Sector map and brief description.
#TTRPG #Blog #RpgBlog #Traveller #TravellerRpg #Traveller5 #ClassicTraveller #Foreven #BraveNightingale #Solo #SoloRpg
#ttrpg #blog #rpgblog #traveller #travellerrpg #traveller5 #ClassicTraveller #foreven #bravenightingale #solo #soloRPG
I decided I needed a more permanent place to post my Foreven Sector and the logs from the Brave Nightingale.
So welcome to Cosmic Tales.
Still under construction.
#TTRPG #Blog #RpgBlog #Traveller #TravellerRpg #Traveller5 #ClassicTraveller #Foreven #BraveNightingale #Solo #SoloRpg
#ttrpg #blog #rpgblog #traveller #travellerrpg #traveller5 #ClassicTraveller #foreven #bravenightingale #solo #soloRPG
New #TTRPG blog post:
Cozy Fantasy in Difficult Times: Enough with the killing and stealing already, I need some gentle kindness. #RPGBlog #CozyFantasy