Day 19: Favorite Published Adventure
I don't run a lot of published adventures. I'm tempted to say *Children of Lilith* for #Tribe8RPG, but I have a fraught relationship with it. I think it's *The Tale of the Corrupted Core *for #TalesOfXadia. It's well done and provides clear challenges with difficult choices that have an impact on how the scenario plays out. I've run it multiple times and it's turned out differently each time.
#tribe8rpg #TalesOfXadia #rpgday2023 #rpgaday #ttrpg
#rpgday2023 Favourite game you never get to play
A long term Ars Magica campaign. #ArsMagica is my perfect setting, since playing a Wizard is my favourite archetype, I enjoy resource management and the way AM deals with fixed effect spells and improvised magic is perfect. I love GMing so troupe style also works brilliantly for me.
You just need four or so like minded people to do it, which is the struggle.
4 Most recent game bought
Gru I think? It had me at Vaughn Bodē influence art, and nothing was going to get in the way of picking it up.
5 Oldest game played
Either Traveller, AD&D or Holmes Basic Dungeons & Dragons as they all appeared in 1977. AD&D would have been the first, oldest game I played, then traveller, and much more recently Holmes (which is great). I've never actually played OD&D, maybe I need to fix that this year.
Mein erstes Rollenspiel war DSA in seiner zweiten Edition. Nachdem ich mir vorher immer sehnsüchtig den Schmidt Spiele Katalog durchgeblättert habe und mir vorstellte wie man sowas spielen könnte. Irgendwann habe ich Holzbretter mit meinen Legofiguren und Plastiksinosauriern bevölkert und darauf ausgewürfelte, was an bestimmten Punkten passiert. Sozusagen Tabletop.
DSA haben wir nur kurz gespielt und sind dann recht schnell zur roten D&D-Box gewechselt #rpgday2023 #pnpde
#RPGDay2023 startet heute. Also los:
Mein erstes #TabletopRPG war tatsächlich #DSA3. War damals zwischen 12 und 14, weiß das nicht mehr so genau. Aber wir waren alles Schüler und haben jede freie Minute damit verbracht das zu spielen. Egal ob auf dem Schulhof in den Pausen oder im Münchner #Westpark auf irgendeiner Bank. Wir hatten immer das #MSZ mit dabei. War eine coole Zeit 🤓😂
#rpgday2023 #tabletoprpg #DSA3 #westpark #msz