Waifu, monsters, airships and the dark political humour of Mansters all feature in this week's RPG news round-up of Routinely Itemised: RPGs 221
#routinelyitemised #ttrpg #rpgnews
#routinelyitemised #ttrpg #rpgnews
The tabletop RPG Cities Without Number is designed to bring the chrome and misery of a dystopian future to gaming groups with sandbox adventure in mind.
#cyberpunk #rpgnews #ttrpg
Grab the free RPG released at #UKGamesExpo, reassure yourself The Witcher TRPG isn't dead and read why GAMA Expo went to Louisville despite looking at Kentucky's human rights record https://www.geeknative.com/158589/routinely-itemised-rpgs-208/ #rpgnews
Adam Thompson, brother of the sadly departed RPG designer Jonathan Thompson has published a heartfelt open letter about Battlefield Press International https://www.geeknative.com/158488/battlefield-press-in-a-sad-admirable-heroic-battle-to-continue/ #rpgnews
PaizoCon Online is on, it's the Routinely Itemised before UK Games Expo, and there's lots of D&D news and lots of information about alternatives to D&D, Roll20, bundles and new releases https://www.geeknative.com/158151/routinely-itemised-rpgs-206/ #rpgnews
Anno Domini 1252 is a solo RPG from Coleman Piskins Roleplaying Games. Designed by Giovanni Poli, the game is set in 13h century Brittany during the reign of the Holy Inquisition. https://www.geeknative.com/158127/anno-domini-1252-an-interview-with-giovanni-poli-on-the-solo-rpg/ #rpgnews
Geek Native's patrons voted Zotiquest Games the winner of May's RPG Publisher Spotlight https://www.geeknative.com/158086/rpg-publisher-spotlight-zotiquest-games/ #rpgnews
Routinely Itemised is Geek Native's weekly overview of RPG news. This week the sad passing of Russ Nicholson, competitive Alien RPG from Free League, more ORC and pagan adventure with WHen the Wolf Comes the RPG https://www.geeknative.com/158036/routinely-itemised-rpgs-205/ #rpgnews
Imagine an RPG bestiary that grew by itself, with more monsters added in time and at no extra cost? https://www.geeknative.com/157980/living-nightmares-a-look-inside-gildor-games-living-bestiary/ #rpgnews
Routinely Itemised is Geek Native's weekly recap of RPG news. Plushie dragons, new Fantasy AGE plans, a vanishing signature and Cyberpunk RED plans https://www.geeknative.com/157695/routinely-itemised-rpgs-203/ #rpgnews
Not long ago, some people lost their minds over a combat wheelchair. Can you imagine how they'll react to Limitless Champions? https://www.geeknative.com/157653/make-history-limitless-champions-for-5e/ #rpgnews
If you support Geek Native at the Geek Quaestor level then you qualify (or future you could) for a free copy of The Curse of Er’Mah’Gerd . https://www.geeknative.com/157617/patron-thank-you-gift-the-curse-of-ermahgerd/ #rpgnews
The Corpse Exquisite team have returned to Kickstarter for a system-agnostic grimdark RPG toolkit called Inquisitor Kada's Exquisite Corpse. The campaign is to fund a product to help GMs build an RPG world with a dissociative inquisitor https://www.geeknative.com/157598/inquisitor-kadas-exquisite-corpse-is-a-system-agnostic-grimdark-rpg-toolkit/ #rpgnews
The Bundle of Holding has an all-new sci-fi RPG deal that might interest early Classic Traveller fans. FASA, who went on to do BattleTech and Shadowrun, picked up Traveller in the 1980s as a licensee. https://www.geeknative.com/157596/early-traveller-sci-fi-rpg-in-an-all-new-fasa-bundle/ #rpgnews
Routinely Itemised is Geek Native's weekly recap of RPG news. This week we look at official Dungeons & Dragons ducks that will look awfully similiar, the new Pathfinder edition, the new Valiant RPG but not that Valiant RPG https://www.geeknative.com/157518/routinely-itemised-rpgs-202/ #rpgnews
A new blog post from Paizo confirms a new but not 3rd or 2.5 Pathfinder ORC revision is on the way https://www.geeknative.com/157485/new-pathfinder-paizo-pitches-pathfinder-2r-edition-head-to-head-with-dd-50th-anniversary/ #rpgnews #orc
Mindjammer Press' first RPG in years, The Lair of the Leopard Empresses, will use "Monsters! Monsters!", an RPG engine developed by Ken Andre and Trollhalla Press https://www.geeknative.com/157339/the-lair-of-the-leopard-empresses-marks-the-return-of-mindjammer-press/ #rpgnews
Sigil Services new owners, the German games powerhouse Ulisses Spiele, will enable the VTT to do even more while Ulisses Spiele has new options for customers with increasing digital needs https://www.geeknative.com/157286/sigil-services-snapped-up-by-ulisses-spiele-for-vtt-skills-in-a-deal-with-pinnacle-entertainment-involved/ #vtt #rpgnews