Sain vihdoin uuden #raspberrypi4'n tilaukseen #rpilocator'in avustuksella 🤓
On sitten tuotantolaite ja testauslaite erikseen 😇
Einen Zero und einen 3 ergattert. Wer gerade einen #raspberrypi braucht, guckt bitte auf #RPILOCATOR
Today I ordered a Raspberry Pi W kit from Pimoroni (UK), thanks to some tweets by @rpilocator mentioning they don’t track kits :D
RpiLocator: we have stock of raspberry pi in your country right this minute!
Looks: nothing useful to me
RpiLocator: We have stock of raspberry pi in your country and it’s what you want!
Looks: Was sent 17 hours ago, they are all gone!
Every time!
#raspberrypi #pi #rpilocator #humour
#humour #rpilocator #pi #raspberrypi