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R Plus, Dido:
🎵 My boy
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R Plus, Dido:
🎵 My boy
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R Plus, Dido:
🎵 My boy
Had I looked at the situation from an aversive approach, I would have felt a need to punish her barking. And that's a problem.
The dog is not misbehaving, the dog is communicating a need. I wouldn't have solved her problem by punishing her, just the opposite, I would have brought arousal up.
Which would most probably have resulted in even more behaviour I would have disliked.
#WattebauschWarriors #TrainierenStattDominieren #PositiveRocks #PositivesTraining #Rplus
#wattebauschwarriors #trainierenstattdominieren #positiverocks #positivestraining #rplus
Werden wir trotz Arzneimittelmangels gut durch den Winter kommen? Danke an Peter Stahl, Präsident der Landesapothekerkammer #RLP, für das aufschlussreiche Gespräch. #Rheinpfalz am Sonntag #Rplus #medikamentemangel #medikamente #apotheken
#Apotheken #Medikamente #medikamentemangel #rplus #rheinpfalz #rlp
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My boy:
🎵 R Plus, Dido
#radioeins #nowplaying #rplus #Dido
I will bore you rigid about #dogs, specifically #force-free #rplus dog training and you will like it. I will also go on about #interpreting and #signlanguage and how good and important these both are #deafpower. There’s a good chance I’ll mention #brighton, #kermodeandmayo, #criminalpodcast and #taskmaster. But I am more than just a collection of hashtags, I am also a dingbat who will misplace things.
#dogs #force #rplus #interpreting #signlanguage #deafpower #Brighton #KermodeandMayo #criminalpodcast #Taskmaster
Beim Schimpfen sind Pfälzerinnen und Pfälzer Vollprofis.
#Pfälzisch #Pälzisch #Pfalz #Saachblooß #RPlus (koscht ebbes)
#rplus #saachblooß #pfalz #palzisch #pfalzisch