Mettez des putains de masques #rpp
(c'est dingue de se dire qu'après 3 ans de pandémie on n'a rien de mieux et on en est toujours là.
Présentement la seule masquée dans ma rame de RER A)
I wish people would rush to help a neighbor or unhoused person as fast as they try to get a free car storage spot.
#parkingreform #rpp #UrbanMobility
Super cool to see this in my inbox today. Paper is culmination of years of change work on #teacherprep, benefitting from influential #RPP w/@caldercenter. Especially grateful to,, for including me as an author
#Elezioni #Gibuti
Risultati definitivi:
Affluenza: 75,9% (+7,6 rispetto al 2018)
#UMP (#RPP-#FRUD-#PND-#PSD-#UPR)|Sinistra: 58 seggi (+1)
#UDJ-#PPD|Anti-Guelleh: 7 (+2)
Totale seggi: 65
Maggioranza: 33
Attuale governo (UMP): 58 (✅Maggioranza mantenuta✅)
#elezioni #gibuti #ump #rpp #frud #pnd #psd #upr #udj #ppd
SFMTA has a new interactive #RPP map, with different types of metered spots (green & white zones). They just added area J (small addition) on Irving between 10th and 11th, which is up for review at the next engineering hearing.
Keep heading west, please.
The #RPP program should be next. Great news coming out of 1 South Van Ness! #parkingreform #curbmgmt #shoupdogg @parkingreform
S.F. will extend parking meter hours soon. Here's what to expect
#rpp #parkingreform #curbmgmt #shoupdogg
"Rada Polityki pieniężnej na posiedzeniu w środę podjęła taką samą decyzję już piąty raz z rzędu. Główna stopa procentowa pozostaje na poziomie 6,75 proc. i w ten sposób raty kredytów o zmiennej stopie pozostaną bez zmian."
Gratulacje dla wszystkich, którzy spłacają kredyty. Wyrazy współczucia dla pozostałych. #inflacja #nbp #rpp
Pre Covid commuters would park their cars close to the 15th Ave #RPP delineation and walk down to Geary, Balboa or California to catch one of the express busses downtown.
Did you know much of the Westside beyond 15th Ave has no RPP zones? Motorists will store multiple vehicles a half of a block from the most travelled transit line west of the Mississippi * for free *.
They also take up valuable parking spots from struggling Geary merchants, while covering their vehicles for long term storage.
We support an expansion of #RPP zones and fees on the Westside. #fiscalcliff #transit #sfmta
#rpp #fiscalcliff #transit #sfmta
I hosted a webinar about SF Residential Parking Permits with amazing panelists @apthornley, Joanna Gubman and Raynell Cooper.
I'm happy to see #RPP back in the local transpo discussion especially if MTA can charge market rate? for car storage. #curbmgmt #parkingreform
Can we please stop dancing around the fact that motorists and deliver app drivers absolutely abuse the public right of way to the detriment of others? This step shouldn't be controversial.
"City transportation officials have acknowledged that raising parking fees and enforcement is highly controversial among many city residents, though the grim outlook could steer the agency’s board toward making some of those changes." #curbmgmt #parkingreform #RPP
Tiens, j'avais oublié #RPP
Demain matin tôt dans Rosemont-La-Petite-Patrie, on dénonce la culture de la vitesse et du char, parce qu'une voiture peut être une arme redoutable. Passez le mot. #mtl #mobilite #securite #mobiliteactive #rpp #pietonsqc #pietonsmtl
Événement FB 👇
#pietonsmtl #pietonsqc #rpp #mobiliteactive #securite #mobilite #mtl
Demain matin tôt dans Rosemont-La-Petite-Patrie, on dénonce la culture de la vitesse et du char, parce qu'une voiture peut être une arme redoutable. Passez le mot. #mtl #mobilite #securite #mobiliteactive #rpp #pietonsqc #pietonsmtl
Événement FB 👇
#pietonsmtl #pietonsqc #rpp #mobiliteactive #securite #mobilite #mtl
#Elezioni #Nepal
Composizione della prossima Pratinidhi Sabha (camera bassa):
Scenario: coalizioni elettorali
#DLA (#NC-#CPNMC-#CPNUS-#LSP-#RJ)|Centro-sinistra|Sinistra|Estrema sinistra: 136 seggi
#CPNUML-#PSPN|Sinistra|Centro-sinistra federalista: 90
#RSP|Grande tenda progressista: 20
#RPP|Destra monarchica indù: 14
#JP|Sinistra del Terai: 6
Indipendenti: 5
#NUP|Tharu di Centro-sinistra: 3
#NWPP|Juche: 1
Totale seggi: 275
Maggioranza: 138
#elezioni #nepal #dla #nc #cpnmc #cpnus #lsp #rj #cpnuml #pspn #rsp #rpp #jp #nup #nwpp
#Elezioni #Nepal
Composizione della prossima Pratinidhi Sabha (camera bassa):
#NC|Centro-sinistra: 89 seggi (+26 rispetto al 2017)
#CPNUML|Sinistra: 78 (-43)
#CPNMC|Estrema sinistra: 32 (-21)
#RSP|Grande tenda progressista: 20 (+20)
#RPP|Destra monarchica indù: 14 (+13)
#PSPN|Centro-sinistra federalista: 12 (-22)
#CPNUS|Sinistra: 10 (+10)
#JP|Sinistra del Terai: 6 (+6)
Indipendenti: 5 (+4)
#LSP|Centro-sinistra del Terai: 4 (+4)
(continua sotto)
#elezioni #nepal #nc #cpnuml #cpnmc #rsp #rpp #pspn #cpnus #jp #lsp