La photo du jour ! 📸
Ne pas oublier notre bon Patrick Balkany ! 😮
Lui, je lui donne un 19/20 ! 👍
Pour ses compétence dans tous les domaines de la malfaisance !
(excellent le montage photo !)
#Balkany #PatrickBalkany #RPR #LesRépublicains #truand
#balkany #patrickbalkany #rpr #lesrepublicains #truand
Extremely sloppy layout work. But it's working fantastic on 30m.
Rather than building a PTT circuit I opted just to feed audio and PTT pin into an old Buxcomm Rascal interface. As it was already setup for my FT847.
Now that it's all working it should be repackaged onto a new board fixing the sloppy layout and put into an enclosure. #rpr #packetradio
RT @PierreLouisHue
Ce moment où tu te rends compte que les mascottes de @Paris2024 sont copiées sur un pin’s du #RPR des années 80… Impossible de ne plus le voir…
Ce moment où tu te rends compte que les mascottes de sont copiées sur un pin’s du #RPR des années 80… Impossible de ne plus le voir…
Not on HF at the moment, having garden work done, missing #RPR already. Will be worth it in the long run. 73 to all.
The Robust Packet Network Europe community has arrived at Mastodon.Radio and Twitter becomes history.
@robustpacket will announce news concerning #rpr #pactor #aprs . New firmware for RPR modems, band activities and general updates will be found here.
Admin behind @robustpacket is @sa7sky
The hope is that previous Twitter follows will migrate to Mastodon as well.
73 de Helge