Ooh, #rqlite looks like an interesting #PostgreSQL alternative for #Strolch. I'll need to write new DAOs, and then test to see how it works out... Got this from https://www.philipotoole.com/replicated-postgres-to-rqlite/
rqlite 7.0 ya fue liberado y estas son sus novedades #rqlite #sqlite #software https://ubunlog.com/rqlite-7-0-ya-fue-liberado-y-estas-son-sus-novedades/
New #XPUB special issue 6 to be launched on the 14/06 is going to be a small distributed electronic catalogue experiment making use of #Flask, #rqlite, #tinc and #Syncthing.
#xpub #flask #rqlite #tinc #syncthing