If I hadn't seen it in her own words, I wouldn't have believed that an ex-HR and Air Force logistics officer would knowingly and willingly break records retention laws.
Hope she likes never being able to hold a security clearance again... and for her husband to have to regard her as an infosec risk to keep his.
Same with her kids if they enlist.
I mean, god damn. I've seen some stupid shit, but this is ridiculous.
#danielleweston #rrisd #rrisd1family
By $DEITY, it's a PITA to build a wiki.
It's even more of a pain to cross-reference sources and provide source material.
It'll certainly make the impending criminal charges against a certain #rrisd trustee a lot easier for the DA, though.
Last night's #rrisd agenda item about #marybone leaking privileged information from closed session?
Weir's telling the truth, and I've e-mails that seem to prove it.
SOMEONE leaked closed-session information to Keith Hendrickson, the grievant.
Even #danielleweston straight-up denied leaking to Hendrickson, and both were seen talking to him that night.
So, will open records requests show that #marybone has been communicating sub rosa to him (and that includes personal channels)?
#rrisd #marybone #danielleweston
Law-hackery and regulatory compliance aren't necessarily just jobs for me. They're amazing ways to figure out ways to hack the system to be better and to ensure accountability from individuals who would otherwise abuse their privileges for their own end.
For example, I'm going to be writing up how #rrisd trustee Danielle Weston majorly screwed up - and in admitting so in writing and on the record, she may have opened herself up to legal problems.
18 months I've worked on it, and it bore fruit.
Considering all the messages I've read today, I have to say that this aged well.
#rrisd #rrisd1family #danielleweston
Six days left until the NDA-covered material can become public.
I gotta say, it's _nice_ to have someone admit to their misdeeds and motives in their own press release-like writing.
#rrisd #rrisd1family #spillthetea