I’m so fucking angry. For the first time since diagnosis I have new lesions. Nearly eight years with nothing new on my #MRI and suddenly multiple new lesions. I’ve had a day to sit with it so I no longer feel like I’ve been punched in the gut. But even still. I’m so disappointed. I’d almost tricked myself into believing it was going away. Fuck you, MS. #fums #rrms #ms #multiplesclerosis #pwms #chronicillness #brainlesions
#mri #fums #rrms #ms #multiplesclerosis #pwms #chronicillness #brainlesions
I like to play a little game with myself after getting out of the shower called “did I seriously only have one leg?” as I discover which area of my body I completely missed. #shorttermmemoryloss is wild #multiplesclerosis #rrms #invisibleillness #disabilaty
#shorttermmemoryloss #multiplesclerosis #rrms #invisibleillness #disabilaty
I teach theoretical #Linguistics at the University of #Louisville #UofL
I am Series Editor for Cambridge Elements in #Morphology #CEiM
(proposals are welcome)
#yoga #bridge #birds #bowling #ms #rrms
#introduction #linguistics #louisville #uofl #morphology #ceim #yoga #bridge #birds #bowling #ms #rrms