RT @LoquaciousC
How come nobody is taking advantage of the free charging station at the NSA booth at #RSAC2020?
Vacuum Cleaners, Baby Monitors and Other Vulnerable IoT Devices - From vacuum cleaners to baby monitors, the IoT landscape continues to be plagued by concerning sec... more: https://threatpost.com/vacuum-cleaners-baby-monitors-and-other-vulnerable-iot-devices/153294/ #connectedvacuumcleaner #babymonitorsecurity #securityissue #ibabyflaw #rsac2020 #ironpie #videos #trifo #rsac #iot #rsa
#rsa #iot #rsac #trifo #videos #ironpie #rsac2020 #ibabyflaw #securityissue #babymonitorsecurity #connectedvacuumcleaner
RSAC 2020: Lack of Machine Learning Laws Open Doors To Attacks - When it comes to machine learning, research and cybercriminal activity is full speed ahead - but l... more: https://threatpost.com/rsac-2020-lack-of-machine-learning-laws-open-doors-to-attacks/153259/ #artificialintelligence #machinelearningpolicy #machinelearning #poisoningattack #evasionattack #rsac2020 #policy #rsac #rsa #ai #ml
#ml #ai #rsa #rsac #policy #rsac2020 #evasionattack #poisoningattack #machinelearning #machinelearningpolicy #artificialintelligence
RSAC 2020 Keynote: Changing the World’s False Perception of Cybersecurity - The reality of the cybersecurity industry is starkly different than what's perceived by the rest o... more: https://threatpost.com/rsac-2020-keynote-changing-the-worlds-false-perception-of-cybersecurity/153203/ #rsac2020 #security #rsac #rsa
#rsa #rsac #security #rsac2020