Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @proszekj_’s #RSCEng #RSCInorg #RSCMat #RSCNano #RSCPoster all about the stability of quantum dots. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscnano #rscmat #rscinorg #rsceng #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @AineCooganNano’s #RSCMat #RSCEnv #RSCNano #RSCCat #RSCInorg #RSCPhys #RSCPoster all about photocatalytic membrane for purifying water. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscphys #rscinorg #rsccat #rscnano #rscenv #rscmat #cartoonabstract
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @MohdAfaque4’s #RSCAnalytical #RSCNano #RSCMat #RSCPoster all about their label-free thrombin sensor. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscmat #rscnano #rscanalytical #cartoonabstract
RT @NathanneRost
#RSCPoster #RSCNano
The Post-Publication Peer Review is an initiative to science self-correction. In @_Nano_Bubbles we critically analyse articles claiming intracellular detection by nanoparticles, and post our reviews on PubPeer. Visit also @MahaSaid92's poster to know more.
RT @MahaSaid92
#RSCPoster #RSCNano #Reproducibility_crisis Hello below is a presentation of the reproducibility project part of @_Nano_Bubbles, which aims to understand science correction. Feel free to drop a message to express interest or any questions. Check our second poster @NathanneRost
#reproducibility_crisis #rscposter #rscnano
Here’s a #CartoonAbstract for @ArshadFareeha's #RSCNano #RSCMat #RSCCat #RSCAnalytical #RSCPoster all about using fancy hybrid nanozymes to detect trace porcine gelatine in products. Don’t forget to go read their full poster!
#rscposter #rscanalytical #rsccat #rscmat #rscnano #cartoonabstract